City Sustainability Forum Invites Public Feedback and Participation

Join Mayor Keller, Environmental Health Director Ryan Mast, and Sustainability Officer Kelsey Rader to discuss a wide range of initiatives relating to the City’s commitment to sustainability including:

  • Mayor Keller Sustainability Accomplishments
  • Brief Overview Climate Action Plan
  • Future and Upcoming Projects and Priorities

To join in the forum, visit:

Solar Public Awareness Campaign Aims to Educate Residents


The City’s Consumer Financial Protection Initiative is launching a public awareness campaign about unfair and deceptive solar panel marketing to Albuquerque homeowners. While going solar can be a win-win for saving money and protecting the environment, it’s important for residents to have all the details. “Thinking of Solar for Your Home?” provides information about the differences between a financed purchase, a leasing agreement, and a power purchase agreement. These agreements are not the same and some may put homeowners at risk of higher costs or disadvantageous contract provisions. Some companies market door-to-door and use high-pressure tactics to steer homeowners into agreements that are more advantageous for the company than the homeowner. For more information about the City’s efforts concerning solar panel awareness, please go to

District 5 Key Legislative Projects


February 11, 2021

Dear District 5 City Council Constituent:

City Council District 5 is working on several key legislative projects in addition to several smaller projects. These projects include Paseo del Norte NW’s Expansion and the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center. Paseo del Norte NW is currently in the design phase, conducted by WH Pacific at a cost to the City of $2.36 million. The design to build an additional east and west bound lane, as well as bicycle paths and a multi-use trail should be completed by late fall 2021.

The next step is the acquisition of over 80 properties to be used for road right of way once the property survey is completed. Then the construction of the Paseo del Norte and Unser Blvd. intersection cross-section will take place. The project cost in its entirety is estimated to be $45 million. The City’s share of the cost is $26 million. We have already acquired $17.5 million, more than ½ the necessary funding to construct additional capacity. I am asking the NM State Legislature to fill the remaining funding gap at this 2021 Legislative Session. Please speak or write to your State Legislators and Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham to ask for their assistance. Let’s get this done together!

At a cost of $2.3 million, the City is already in the process of designing the Cibola Loop Mutigenerational Center on ~20 acres of land owned by the City slated for an entire Community Complex, to eventually include a library and pool. As there are currently no multi-generational centers nor senior centers north of I-40, this is an important City Council District 5 project expected to fill a gap in community amenities and services. There are also no libraries north of Montano Blvd. The Multi-Generational Center Complex is proposed to encompass a two-level complex of approximately 29,780 gross square feet including administrative offices, classrooms, locker rooms, a fitness center, kitchen, aerobics/dance room, game room, social hall, and climbing gym. Programmed activities will help meet the community needs to include services ranging from senior meals to all-age fitness opportunities and youth programming.

This year, my office is requesting from the State Legislature provision of $10 million in funding to construct the first floor of the Cibola Loop Multi-Generational Center. Please contact your State Senators and Representatives to ask for their support for this important District 5 community amenity that will serve Albuquerque’s North Westside side for generations to come.

For questions regarding these and other projects call my office at 505-768-3189 or send an email to

Your Legislators are as follows:
Sen. Katy Duhigg, NM State Senate District 10: 505-397-8823,
Rep. Karen Bash, NM State House District 68: 505-986-4236,

Cynthia D. Borrego, MPA
City Council President, District 5
Office: (505) 768-3178

Help Stop Illegal Dumping Albuquerque


Want to help keep your neighborhood looking clean and free of debris? Report illegal dumping to Bernalillo County! Illegal dumping is a problem citywide, but there are things all of us can do to help. Firstly, don’t illegally dump! It might not seem like a big deal, but illegally dumped items like rubber tires can negatively affect groundwater and cause illness in humans and animals. Secondly, if you see it, report it! Call Bernalillo County at (505) 314-0310. To learn more about how you can help combat illegal dumping, visit:

Solid Waste Management Offering Christmas Tree Recycling


Solid Waste Management Offering Christmas Tree Recycling 
The Solid Waste Management Department, Parks and Recreation, and PNM will recycle real Christmas Trees for FREE at three separate locations in Albuquerque starting Monday, December 28, 2020. No artificial trees will be accepted.  Trees may be dropped off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday, December 28, 2020 through Sunday, January 10, 2021 at the following locations:

  • Montessa Park Convenience Center, 3512 Los Picaros SE, 873-6607
  • Eagle Rock Convenience Center, 6301 Eagle Rock NE, 857-8318
  • Ladera Golf Course, 3401 Ladera Dr NW, 836-4449

Please remove all bags, tree stands, decorations and lights from trees before dropping them off to be mulched. Limit 5 trees per
resident, no commercial customers. For more information call 311, TTY 711, or visit