Westside Blvd. Widening Project


The Road Warrior column in the Albuquerque Journal (2/14/2021) quotes Johnny Chandler, Public Information Coordinator for Albuquerque’s Department of Municipal Development as saying “we are scheduled to start construction on the widening of Westside Blvd. NW this month.”

The City reviewed the Westside widening plans with the community in 2019. There was concern raised at that meeting about not needing any additional Noise Barriers after the City completed sound studies at that time.

Residents of the HOA who are concerned or have questions about the construction or noise levels can contact the following City representatives.

City Councilor: Cynthia Borrego – cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov

Project Manager: Savannah Torres  – smtorres@cabq.gov

Planning and Programming Manager: Debbie Baumandbauman@cabq.gov

District 5 Key Legislative Projects


February 11, 2021

Dear District 5 City Council Constituent:

City Council District 5 is working on several key legislative projects in addition to several smaller projects. These projects include Paseo del Norte NW’s Expansion and the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center. Paseo del Norte NW is currently in the design phase, conducted by WH Pacific at a cost to the City of $2.36 million. The design to build an additional east and west bound lane, as well as bicycle paths and a multi-use trail should be completed by late fall 2021.

The next step is the acquisition of over 80 properties to be used for road right of way once the property survey is completed. Then the construction of the Paseo del Norte and Unser Blvd. intersection cross-section will take place. The project cost in its entirety is estimated to be $45 million. The City’s share of the cost is $26 million. We have already acquired $17.5 million, more than ½ the necessary funding to construct additional capacity. I am asking the NM State Legislature to fill the remaining funding gap at this 2021 Legislative Session. Please speak or write to your State Legislators and Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham to ask for their assistance. Let’s get this done together!

At a cost of $2.3 million, the City is already in the process of designing the Cibola Loop Mutigenerational Center on ~20 acres of land owned by the City slated for an entire Community Complex, to eventually include a library and pool. As there are currently no multi-generational centers nor senior centers north of I-40, this is an important City Council District 5 project expected to fill a gap in community amenities and services. There are also no libraries north of Montano Blvd. The Multi-Generational Center Complex is proposed to encompass a two-level complex of approximately 29,780 gross square feet including administrative offices, classrooms, locker rooms, a fitness center, kitchen, aerobics/dance room, game room, social hall, and climbing gym. Programmed activities will help meet the community needs to include services ranging from senior meals to all-age fitness opportunities and youth programming.

This year, my office is requesting from the State Legislature provision of $10 million in funding to construct the first floor of the Cibola Loop Multi-Generational Center. Please contact your State Senators and Representatives to ask for their support for this important District 5 community amenity that will serve Albuquerque’s North Westside side for generations to come.

For questions regarding these and other projects call my office at 505-768-3189 or send an email to cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov

Your Legislators are as follows:
Sen. Katy Duhigg, NM State Senate District 10: 505-397-8823, katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov
Rep. Karen Bash, NM State House District 68: 505-986-4236, karen.bash@nmlegis.gov

Cynthia D. Borrego, MPA
City Council President, District 5
Office: (505) 768-3178

Development being planned for Golf Course and Westside Blvd

The HOA and our Property Management company Corder & Co. have been contacted by Red Sky. They are looking at the southeast corner of Golf Course & Westside Blvd for Restaurant & Retail Development. Red Sky is asking for input from the surrounding community to provide input on what would make our neighborhood better. Nothing has been submitted to the City of Albuquerque at this time for review or approval.

The contact to provide input or for more information is Chase Ruffin at Colliers. He can be reached at 1-(505)-880-7087 or email chase.ruffin@colliers.com.

West Side and Golf Course Plot Map:


Development Proposal Diagram:


Please check the website for further updates as they become available.

Future Development on Cibola Loop NW Meeting Video


The City of Albuquerque’s Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS) held a Zoom meeting on December 9th to inform the community about its efforts over the past year to promote the future development of homeownership opportunities on the 5 acre parcel of land (Lot 3, Tract C-1 on map shown) of Cibola Loop NW.

This meeting was held to provide the community with information on the following:

  1. How Tract Lot 3, Tract C-1 of Cibola Loop was acquired by the City of Albuquerque and the specific requirements of the federal funding used to acquire the property.
  2. The Single-Family Homeownership Development Request for Proposals (RFPs) which were released and their unsuccessful outcomes.
  3. Discussion of possible Senior Rental Housing Development RFP.
  4. Community feedback.
  5. Next steps.

If you were unable to attend, please watch the recorded meeting video.

City DRB Review of Proposed Wintergreen Apartments


new development

Deferred until February 24th

Hello Neighbors –

               The HOA was recently informed of a City DRB review of the  planned development on the vacant lot to the west of our neighborhood located at the northeast corner of Golf Course and Benton Avenue;  the southern half of the vacant lot at the corner of Westside and Golf Course. This is the Wintergreen Apartment proposal. We are passing this information on to you and invite you to provide your input  in the review with the City. The HOA is serving as an information  conduit only regarding this apartment development project.

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