Architectural Control Committee Summer News


Fall is upon us! Home projects often continue into this season. Remember to submit an ACC application for any changes to your home, even for something as minor as installing gutters. Refer to the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) you received when you bought your house. The CCRs are also available on our website.

To prevent issues with home projects, get an ACC approval form from our website or call Corder & Co, 505‑896‑7700, and ask them to send the ACC form to you. Submit the form online or send it to Corder and Company. The increased usage of our website, over the last year, has driven a lot of requests to come in electronically. We’re trying to make it as easy as possible to submit an application, and are hoping more homeowners will use this easy method of communication. The ACC can typically approve or deny your request within a week.

Please do not start a project without submitting the approval form. That turns a simple process into a situation that’s difficult for everyone. Remember, the goal is to preserve the neighborhood environment and protect the value of your home.

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