Our landscaping company, Yellowstone, works the following schedule:
Growing season – March through October: Property will be treated on a three-week cycle.
Week 1 Both sides of Seven Bar
Week 2 Both sides of Sierrita
Week 3 Westside Blvd and all the trails
Non-growing season – November through February: Property will be treated on a five-week cycle.
Week 1 West side of Seven Bar
Week 2 East side of Seven Bar
Week 3 West side of Sierrita
Week 4 East Side of Sierrita
Week 5 Westside Blvd
The cobbles, stone, and stabilized crusher fines on the re-constructed walking trails worked as designed during the one-half inch plus rainstorm that occurred on July 17th. There was no major damage to the walkways. The five small areas that sustained some washing away of the surface crusher fines were quickly repaired by the Yellowstone crew when they arrived on-site the following Monday.
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