High Wind and Fugitive Dust Affecting Seven Bar North

Wintergreen Apartments Construction Golf Course and Westside

Seven Bar North neighborhoods are being affected by the blowing dirt and dust from the Wintergreen Apartments construction site.
Area contractors and businesses must comply with Albuquerque-Bernalillo County’s fugitive dust regulation. 
For assistance, please email aqd@cabq.gov, call Tony Romero at 228-6989.

High Wind and Fugitive Dust Reminder
We are in New Mexico’s “windy season,” and excessive particulate pollution caused by blowing dust is a health hazard. Excessive dust can also limit roadway visibility and impact neighboring properties.
This notification serves two purposes: To remind permit holders of actions they must take to control their dust; and to inform the general public of ways minimize their personal impact. Together we can keep our community clean and safe.

Click here to read entire notification.

If you would like to contact the contractor directly, here is a link to their website: https://snyder-const.com/

City Hosting Public Meeting on West Mesa Trail Master Plan

The City of Albuquerque is hosting a public meeting on the West Mesa Trail Master Plan on Tuesday, April 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the Open Space Visitors Center, 6500 Coors NW. The Plan intends to develop a conceptual trail network which will provide new recreational opportunities on open space lands surrounding Petroglyph National Monument and connect essential points of interests to surrounding communities. For more information, contact Nate Begay at nbegay@sites-sw.com.

Albuquerque Community Safety Department (ACS) Invites Public to Forum at Proposed New Headquarters

The Albuquerque Community Safety Department (ACS) invites the public to an informational forum this Thursday, April 14 at 5:00 p.m. at César Chávez Community Center, 7505 Kathryn SE. The forum will include an overview of the work ACS does, a presentation on the proposed headquarters building for ACS, and much more. For additional information, visit: www.cabq.gov/acs.

Westside Boulevard Project Update April 8, 2022

Crews to Close Golf Course Rd at Westside Blvd for About Two Weeks Beginning Monday, April 18, 2022
Update as of Friday, April 8, 2022

On Monday, April 18, 2022, crews will CLOSE Golf Course Rd at Westside Blvd to lay a 20-inch water pipeline pipe across the intersection. Two shifts of crew members will work a combined 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, in order to complete this work as quickly as possible, with Golf Course Rd estimated to reopen on Monday, May 2, 2022, or sooner if at all possible.

This work is scheduled to begin at 5 a.m. each day and last through 9 p.m. in the evening. Crews may work extended hours if needed. Barricades will remain in place 24/7 for safety. The designated detour is: 

  • Eastbound motorists on Westside Blvd will be detoured south on Coors Bypass, then west on Ellison Dr to access Golf Course Rd.
  • Westbound motorists on Westside Blvd will be detoured south on Coors Bypass, then west on Ellison Dr to access Golf Course Rd.

The following traffic impacts remain in place:

  • Westbound traffic on Westside Blvd is reduced to one lane between NM 528 and Golf Course Rd.
  • Eastbound traffic on Westside Blvd is reduced to one lane between Golf Course Rd and NM 528.
  • Traffic on 7 Bar Loop Rd and on La Sierrita Rd is able to turn right and head eastbound on Westside Blvd, but is NOT able to turn left and head westbound on Westside Blvd. Motorists can access westbound Westside Blvd by taking 7 Bar Loop Rd south to Driftwood Ave, heading west on Driftwood Ave, then south on Golf Course Rd, then east on Ellison Dr, then north on Coors Bypass. Westbound motorists on Westside Blvd can access La Sierrita Rd or 7 Bar Loop Rd by heading south on Coors Bypass to Ellison Dr, then heading west on Ellison Dr, then north on Golf Course Rd to Driftwood Ave, then east on Driftwood Ave to 7 Bar Loop Rd.
Project scheduled to be completed in summer of 2022
            (NOTE: All work is weather permitting and subject to change without notice.)
CONTACTS for questions and concerns or to sign up for email updates on the project:
Patti Watson, 505-245-3134 office; 505-269-9691 cell; pattiw@cwastrategic.com
Lucas Baca, 505-245-3138 office; 505-417-9989 cell; lucasb@cwastrategic.com

Westside Boulevard Project Update April 1, 2022

La Sierrita now open; only one left turn lane and one thru lane/right turn lane open at NM 528 for eastbound traffic on Westside Blvd 
Update as of Friday, April 1, 2022

As of Thursday, March 31, 2022, La Sierrita has reopened. Beginning Monday, April 4, eastbound traffic on Westside Blvd will have only one dedicated left-turn lane and one combination thru lane/right-turn lane at NM 528. Also, traffic will be shifted as far north as possible for several days, then shifted as far south as possible.

The following traffic impacts remain in place:

  • Westbound traffic on Westside Blvd is reduced to one lane between NM 528 and Golf Course Rd.
  • Eastbound traffic on Westside Blvd is reduced to one lane between Golf Course Rd and Grande Blvd.
  • Traffic on 7 Bar Loop Rd and on La Sierrita Rd is able to turn right and head eastbound on Westside Blvd, but is NOT able to turn left and head westbound on Westside Blvd. Motorists can access westbound Westside Blvd by taking 7 Bar Loop Rd south to Driftwood Ave, heading west on Driftwood Ave, then north on Golf Course Rd. Westbound motorists on Westside Blvd can access La Sierrita Rd or 7 Bar Loop Rd via Golf Course Rd south to Driftwood Ave, then east on Driftwood Ave to 7 Bar Loop Rd.

Golf Course Rd will be CLOSED at Westside Blvd. The contractor will work two shifts, 20 hours a day, to get the work done so Golf Course Rd can be reopened as quickly as possible. More details will be provided next week.
Regular work hours are Monday-Saturday, 7am-5:30 pm, although the contractor may work longer hours or on Sundays as needed.
Project scheduled to be completed in summer of 2022.