Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets Project Meeting September 7th

The Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets project was initiated by Council President Borrego at a cost of $118,000 allocated in the 2020 City of Albuquerque Budget clean-up bill R-20-118.  See Council President Borrego’s letter detailing the project as well as a project brief at the bottom of this message.

The meeting flyer announcing a general neighborhood meeting occurring at 6:00p.m. Tuesday, September 7th  via Zoom to discuss the Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets project. Join details are in the flyer and also shown below.

Please consider visiting the Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Street Study project website to submit comments and recommendations.  It includes a video of a recent neighborhood meeting presentation on this Complete Streets project as well as copy of the presentation itself and is found at https://www.cabq.gov/council/find-your-councilor/district-5/complete-streets-planning-study-on-taylor-ranch-road-and-golf-course-road   

One additional public meeting to gather input and discuss recommendations on the Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets Project is set to occur October 21, 2021.  The October meeting location is pending and will be provided at a later date.

Council President Borrego and the project team are excited about the possibilities of Golf Course as a central District 5 corridor and look forward to meeting with neighborhood members on September 7th to discuss the project in greater detail!

Project Summary

Council President Cynthia D. Borrego, in partnership with the Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG), is conducting a Complete Streets planning study on Taylor Ranch Road/Golf Course Road between Montaño Rd. and Westside Blvd. Specifically, the study seeks to determine the safety issues and challenges for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities along the corridor. The principal goals of the study are to inventory the existing conditions, identify safety concerns, document gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle networks, and present recommendations for roadway improvements, as well as recommend character enhancements along the corridor.

The City has contracted with Bohannan Huston, Inc. to conduct the study. Please contact Aaron Sussman at asussman@bhinc.com or 505-923-3341 with comments or questions. To learn more about the project, go to: https://www.cabq.gov/council/find-your-councilor/district-5/complete-streets-planning-study-on-taylor-ranch-road-and-golf-course-road

Global Give a Book & Council President Borrego Back to School Event


Global Give A Book with Council President Cynthia Borrego’s support and funding, stuffed 500 backpacks with award winning children’s books, and school supplies to surprise curious and joyful learners on their path back to in person schooling.  The distribution event is to occur on Saturday, July 31,2021 from 10am-1pm at Church Alive Campus, 4601 Avocet Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114.  There will be plenty of fun activities for District 5’s young people at the event.  Council President Borrego and Global Give a Book hope you and your families will attend!

Covid Updates & City Events


City Council President Cynthia Borrego

From Councilor Borrego’s office:

Council President Borrego writes to communicate on the subject of two different matters: COVID 19 Updates, and, on a more light hearted note, City Fireworks locations and plans for Summerfest.  Firstly, a list of current COVID-19 vaccination sites provided by the City of Albuquerque Office of Emergency Management is available here.  On June 22, 2021, Senior Planner Nicholas Zubel at the City Office of Emergency Management provided an update on upcoming July 1st changes to COVID Restrictions.  Council President Borrego’s office is informed by the City of Albuquerque Cultural Affairs Department Director Michelle Sanchez that, with the lifting of capacity restrictions, i.e. allowance of mass gatherings, both the City BioPark and Historical Museum will resume normal operations including offering free admittance on Sundays and one Wednesday every month.  Senior Planner Zubal spoke at Council President Borrego’s recent District 5 Open House occurring Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 5:30p.m.  The open House remains visible for viewing on YouTube and GovTV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEdAxeU_Ig).

Commencing at 9:15pm, the City will celebrate Independence Day with fireworks at varies locations including Ladera Golf Course on Albuquerque’s Westside.  The public is advised to enjoy the fireworks from a distance and avoid approaching fireworks’ locations.  Please see the Press Release announcing locations. In addition Albuquerque’s popular Summerfest is going forward this year. 

Councilor President Borrego wishes you a happy 4th of July and is looking forward to seeing each and every one of you at this year’s Summerfest at Ventana Ranch Community Park on August 14th! It is amazing to celebrate freedom and togetherness again this year in Albuquerque’s District 5.