District 5 Open House On-line, September 23, 6:00pm


District 5 Community Members,

We miss seeing and working with you at the District 5 Open House Meetings!  Councilor Borrego is reviving the tradition with a Youtube District 5 Open House broadcast beginning at 6:00p.m this upcoming Wednesday, September 23. The topic of the meeting is public safety.  Please e-mail susanvigil@cabq.gov to request the Zoom meeting link if you wish to comment at the meeting. 

The Fall District 5 Newsletter is available for download:

Thank you for keeping faith in District 5’s integrity over these last months, and for all you do to protect and participate in the character of District 5 and the City of Albuquerque.     

Happy Fall!
Susan Vigil, Policy Analyst
Councilor Cynthia D. Borrego, District 5