Trail Re-work


John Currier, Landscape Committee Chair

The HOA is continuing to re-work the trail system.  In 2019, the section of trail from Black Arroya to Farola was re-worked.  Dead and dying shrubs were removed and replaced with new trees and shrubs.  Stone was placed between the trail and the block wall replacing the crusher fines.  The larger stone provides protection of the soil from heavy summer thunderstorms and reduces the chance of erosion. 

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June 18th Meeting with Tierra West


new development

Meeting with Tierra West
Thursday June 18th at 630 pm
First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho
3906 19th Ave SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124

There is a scheduled meeting with Tierra West regarding the Apartment plans for the lot parallel to Carreta Drive on Golf Course. The purpose of the meeting is to review the development plans for the apartments and have a dialog with the neighborhood residents about their concerns and questions. Please plan to attend if you have interest in the project. Details and minutes from the previous dialog with Tierra West:

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