Development being planned for Golf Course and Westside Blvd

The HOA and our Property Management company Corder & Co. have been contacted by Red Sky. They are looking at the southeast corner of Golf Course & Westside Blvd for Restaurant & Retail Development. Red Sky is asking for input from the surrounding community to provide input on what would make our neighborhood better. Nothing has been submitted to the City of Albuquerque at this time for review or approval.

The contact to provide input or for more information is Chase Ruffin at Colliers. He can be reached at 1-(505)-880-7087 or email

West Side and Golf Course Plot Map:

Development Proposal Diagram:

Please check the website for further updates as they become available.

District 5 Winter Update from Councilor Borrego


I am honored to be serving the City of Albuquerque and District 5 as your City Council President in 2021.  There are many issues affecting District 5 that influence the entire westside including our transportation system. I am working to support westside Councilors to develop the Rio’s westside and encourage westside jobs. As the gem of the southwest, Albuquerque is poised to grow and provide economic opportunity for all. As President of the Council, I am also interested in supporting Councilors of our eastside neighborhoods. Together we will pull through the pandemic as a community to shine our cultural, economic, and geographic gifts to the rest of the country.

As the 2021 State Legislature commences, I ask that you contact your state legislators to request their support of District 5 projects, especially the Cibola Loop Multi-Generational Center Complex planned for your area. The design of the Multi-Generational Center is underway as is the low-density multi-family housing complex, partially slated for seniors. The entire complex is a priority multi-million-dollar project requiring phased funding for years into the future.

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City DRB Review of Proposed Wintergreen Apartments


new development

Deferred until February 24th

Hello Neighbors –

               The HOA was recently informed of a City DRB review of the  planned development on the vacant lot to the west of our neighborhood located at the northeast corner of Golf Course and Benton Avenue;  the southern half of the vacant lot at the corner of Westside and Golf Course. This is the Wintergreen Apartment proposal. We are passing this information on to you and invite you to provide your input  in the review with the City. The HOA is serving as an information  conduit only regarding this apartment development project.

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Help Stop Illegal Dumping Albuquerque


Want to help keep your neighborhood looking clean and free of debris? Report illegal dumping to Bernalillo County! Illegal dumping is a problem citywide, but there are things all of us can do to help. Firstly, don’t illegally dump! It might not seem like a big deal, but illegally dumped items like rubber tires can negatively affect groundwater and cause illness in humans and animals. Secondly, if you see it, report it! Call Bernalillo County at (505) 314-0310. To learn more about how you can help combat illegal dumping, visit:

IDO Annual Update Study Session December 17th


As part of the commitment to improving the IDO every year, Planning staff has submitted the annual update to the Integrated Development Ordinance for 2020. 

This update involves 2 separate sets of proposed changes:

  1. Text amendments that would affect properties citywide.
  2. Text amendments that would affect properties in 14 small areas in Albuquerque.

You can learn more about these proposed changes to the IDO on the project website by clicking the links above.

Planning staff will host a “study session” / open house for the public on Thursday, December 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. Staff will give a short presentation with an overview of key changes, and then staff will answer questions in breakout rooms for folks who have similar questions. 

There are 3 steps in the City’s review/decision process, which is expected to take at least 4 months:

  1. The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) reviews and recommends.
  2. The City Council’s Land Use, Planning, and Zoning (LUPZ) committee reviews and recommends.
  3. The City Council decides.

Each of these steps includes opportunities for public comments. Throughout this process, City staff will continue meet with individuals and groups to answer questions and help develop comments/suggestions for decision-makers to consider.

The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) will review these proposed changes and take public comments at a hearing on Thursday, January 21 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. EPC will make a recommendation to the City Council, which will make the final decision.

Please stay involved throughout the process to help improve the IDO to work better for you and your neighbors.