Springing into Action in ABQ

Hello Albuquerque,

It’s officially spring, and as we enter this new season, we want to acknowledge where we are and where we are headed. 

There are many new projects on our City’s horizon, as we continue strengthening our community, expanding opportunities, and creating spaces for current and future generations to enjoy. We are moving forward with a land swap deal with the State to bring closure to several land issues and advance important projects. The swap secures acreage needed at a critical downtown location for the Rail Trail, as well as another property for our Solid Waste Department. A State public safety facility will be taking over City land at 1250 Menaul, previously under consideration for transfer station and temporarily for a safe outdoor space. Accordingly, there will be no safe outdoor space or transfer station at the site. 

We also unveiled plans for a new multigenerational center in the heart of the historic Santa Barbara-Martineztown neighborhood that will break ground this summer. This weekend, Albuquerque Community Safety (ACS) will be hosting a community celebration and groundbreaking on their long-awaited headquarters at San Mateo & Kathryn. And last but not least, we announced that the New Media Academy will be housed at our Rail Yards, teaching the next generation of filmmakers right here in the Duke City. All around us, there are reminders of the good that is possible through collaboration and a shared dedication to making our home the best it can be.

We are hopeful for our city because we see the work that our team is doing each and every day to make Albuquerque safer and more inclusive. Whether it’s new opportunities for our creative community or getting more people in touch with housing and resources, we have seen glimpses of Albuquerque’s full potential. We’re determined to keep raising the bar so that our city is a place where families can thrive in healthy, supportive communities. 


Mayor Tim Keller


IDO Annual Update 2022 Meeting April 12th

The City Council’s Land Use, Planning, and Zoning (LUPZ) committee will hear proposed citywide changes to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 5 pm. This hybrid meeting takes place in the Vincent E. Griego Chambers in the basement of City Hall and via Zoom. See Zoom details below. 

These citywide text amendments are legislative, so you may speak to Councilors directly about any of the proposed changes. 

For questions, please contact the Council Planning Manager, Shanna Schultz:

Attend the Hearing

  • See the Agenda posted here for details, including instructions for giving verbal comments at the hearing.
  • Zoom link
  • Phone: +1 346 248 7799
    • Zoom ID: 865 5109 8208

Review Proposed Changes

Send Written Comments
Email the Clerk of the Council, Mandi Hinojos, mhinojos@cabq.gov.


IDO Annual Update Hearing December 8th

IDO Annual Update 2022

Hearing #1: Environmental Planning Commission (EPC)

The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) will hear the IDO Annual Update on Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 8:30 am via Zoom.

Review Proposed Changes

Send Comments
Comments sent by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, December 6 will be forwarded to EPC for review prior to the hearing.

Attend the Hearing

  • See the agenda.
    • (Note that the IDO Annual Update – Citywide will not be heard before 1 p.m.)
  • If you would like to speak on a particular agenda item, raise your hand when public comments are taken for each case. 
    • Typically, Neighborhood Association Representatives and other organizations are given 5 minutes to speak.
    • Individuals are typically given 2 minutes to speak. 

Read entire article here

Planning and Development Tracking Resources for Residents

Did you know you can find information about projects or development going on in your neighborhood? The Planning Department offers several online resources for finding this information and anyone can access it.

The Planning Department’s Land Management System (LMS) can be used to search various types of permit requests.  Specifically, the “Search for Permits by Address” function provides information on the type, status, issuance date and other pertinent details associated with permits for the subject site.  An account is not required in order to use the system’s search features.
DRB, EPC and ZHE Public Hearings
The Development Review Board (DRB)Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) and Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) provide similar but different functions associated with project review.  Applications to these hearing bodies includes notification to property owners and neighborhood associations, but a periodic check of the respective websites will also help to track proposals as they work their way through the review process.

City Leaders Meeting October 22nd

Connect with the City Planning Department during a morning of learning and engagement! City Leaders is intended to inform the community about planning and the built environment in Albuquerque, create a more transparent planning process, and encourage community engagement in the growth and development of Albuquerque.