Maintenance is the word of the month! Prep for spring by checking your irrigation system, cleaning up around the plants you tucked in for the winter, and aerating turf areas. Sign up for a 3 Steps to Landscape Success class to learn more. We know you won’t be able to resist buying plants this month, so we’re showing you the proper way to install them and keep them healthy.
Green Waste pickup is a free service offered to Solid Waste customers
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Starting Monday, May 3rd, the City of Albuquerque Solid Waste Management Department’s (SWMD) Spring green waste collection will begin and will run through Friday, May 14th. SWMD will pick up residential green waste at no additional charge.
“Our Spring green waste collection program is an incredible opportunity for Solid Waste customers to have their green waste collected free of charge.” stated Matthew Whelan, Director of Solid Waste Management Department. “A key benefit of this program is reuse. Currently, the green waste collected is mulched and used to help provide soil protection at the Cerro Colorado Landfill.”
Solid Waste customers should have their green waste at the curb by 7 a.m. on their regular trash collection day. All green waste must be placed 5 feet from trash and recycling containers as well as any large items scheduled for pick-up.
Solid Waste customers must place their green waste such as leaves, grass, and brush in trash bags. Each trash bag should not weigh more than 40 pounds. Customers that have branches must cut them to four-foot lengths and bundle them securely. Green waste should not be placed in your recycle cart.
From the April 2021 Newsletter: It’s officially spring, which means irrigation time is here! It’s our second watering season in a row of drier and warmer conditions, and we’re in a Drought Watch. While it’s important to start watering plants now, don’t overdo it. Your monthly usage should only be two to four times higher than it is in the winter season. Meanwhile, do your best to avoid water waste. Runoff from over-watering is a big culprit, but making updates to your irrigation system can improve efficiency. Generous rebates are available!
For additional landscaping tips and to subscribe to the newsletter, visit the 505Outside website.
Plant Selection of the Month
Exposure: Sun/Shade Water: Medium Height and Spread: 6″ x 6″ Blooming Season: Spring Description: The Crocus is a brilliant addition to any landscape. It is one of the earliest bulbs to arrive and provides the first color to your landscape. The Crocus fits well in most landscapes because it can be found in various colors and sizes. It is easy to grow and care for and will return the following spring.
Spring is here! Along with the beautiful spring blooms we get to enjoy, there are also those pesky weeds that need plucking. Violation letters will resume on April 1st.
If you are wondering how much to water your trees during abnormally dry winter, Water Authority’s landscape experts can help answer this question and other landscape and irrigation questions. The Water Authority offers FREE personalized email consultations on topics related to sustainable, desert friendly landscaping and irrigation practices. Simply e-mail: and include pictures of your yard, plants and irrigation system when sending in questions.