Green Waste pickup is a free service offered to Solid Waste customers
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Starting Monday, May 3rd, the City of Albuquerque Solid Waste Management Department’s (SWMD) Spring green waste collection will begin and will run through Friday, May 14th. SWMD will pick up residential green waste at no additional charge.
“Our Spring green waste collection program is an incredible opportunity for Solid Waste customers to have their green waste collected free of charge.” stated Matthew Whelan, Director of Solid Waste Management Department. “A key benefit of this program is reuse. Currently, the green waste collected is mulched and used to help provide soil protection at the Cerro Colorado Landfill.”
Solid Waste customers should have their green waste at the curb by 7 a.m. on their regular trash collection day. All green waste must be placed 5 feet from trash and recycling containers as well as any large items scheduled for pick-up.
Solid Waste customers must place their green waste such as leaves, grass, and brush in trash bags. Each trash bag should not weigh more than 40 pounds. Customers that have branches must cut them to four-foot lengths and bundle them securely. Green waste should not be placed in your recycle cart.
The following items will not be picked up:
- Dirt
- Construction debris
- Gravel
- Construction material
- Tree stumps
For more information call 311, TTY 711, or visit http://www.cabq.gov/solidwaste