Westside Boulevard Update from Councilor Borrego


The City of Albuquerque and I, as your Councilor, broke ground on Westside Blvd.’s expansion on March 17, 2021.  Many of you requested information on Westside’ Blvd’s expansion effects on existing residential properties in the area.

Phase I—Construction, includes widening Westside Blvd. from two to four lanes between Golf Course Rd. and NM 528 and will also improve traffic flows at several major intersections. The project includes a multi-use trail on Westside Blvd.’s north side, a sidewalk on its south side and bike lanes in each direction (east and west). 

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District 5 Open House March 23rd


From Councilor Borrego:
Please join me on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM for our District 5 Spring Open House. The meeting will broadcast via YouTube here.

Our topics will range from updates on the 2021 State Legislature Session to health and public safety. Please submit written comments prior to the meeting to cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov

Also, please register and receive the COVID vaccine. You can register for the vaccine
at https://cvvaccine.nmhealth.org/myregistration.html Feel free to contact my office for
assistance at 505-768-3189.

District 5 Newsletter


Bringing the City Council Presidency to the
Westside is one of the highlights of my service to
you as your District 5 Council Representative. I plan
to keep a firm eye and hand on ensuring
Albuquerque’s Westside receives
due consideration in decisions affecting planning,
funding, and fair and equal asset distributions. A
great example of Westside Council unity is seen in
the City’s recent purchase of the Open Space Poole
property, just north of District 5 and accessible to
its neighborhoods.

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Westside Blvd. Widening Project


The Road Warrior column in the Albuquerque Journal (2/14/2021) quotes Johnny Chandler, Public Information Coordinator for Albuquerque’s Department of Municipal Development as saying “we are scheduled to start construction on the widening of Westside Blvd. NW this month.”

The City reviewed the Westside widening plans with the community in 2019. There was concern raised at that meeting about not needing any additional Noise Barriers after the City completed sound studies at that time.

Residents of the HOA who are concerned or have questions about the construction or noise levels can contact the following City representatives.

City Councilor: Cynthia Borrego – cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov

Project Manager: Savannah Torres  – smtorres@cabq.gov

Planning and Programming Manager: Debbie Baumandbauman@cabq.gov

District 5 Winter Update from Councilor Borrego


I am honored to be serving the City of Albuquerque and District 5 as your City Council President in 2021.  There are many issues affecting District 5 that influence the entire westside including our transportation system. I am working to support westside Councilors to develop the Rio’s westside and encourage westside jobs. As the gem of the southwest, Albuquerque is poised to grow and provide economic opportunity for all. As President of the Council, I am also interested in supporting Councilors of our eastside neighborhoods. Together we will pull through the pandemic as a community to shine our cultural, economic, and geographic gifts to the rest of the country.

As the 2021 State Legislature commences, I ask that you contact your state legislators to request their support of District 5 projects, especially the Cibola Loop Multi-Generational Center Complex planned for your area. The design of the Multi-Generational Center is underway as is the low-density multi-family housing complex, partially slated for seniors. The entire complex is a priority multi-million-dollar project requiring phased funding for years into the future.

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