Do you need help getting your composting journey started? The Bernalillo County Master Composter Program are offering free online and in-person classes taught by experts. You can learn how to start a compost pile, what items work best for composting, and how to use compost in gardening. To learn more, visit:
Tax season is approaching and employers are issuing W-2s in anticipation. With the onset of Tax Day, phishing scam attempts aimed at identity theft and tax refund theft are on the rise. There is a wide variety of tax-related scam and phishing attempts out there, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers many resources to combat them. To learn about the many scams going around and how you can protect your information and money, visit:
The Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) is hosting its first virtual Lunch and Learn of 2022 this Thursday, January 27 at 12:00 noon, and the public is invited to attend via Zoom. The topic is the I-25/Comanche Improvement Project and panelists will include staff from the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) and key project contract staff, who will give a brief overview of the construction, answer questions about potential impacts on traffic and adjacent neighborhoods, and address other issues and questions. Neighborhood residents from directly adjacent neighborhoods will also be part of the panel, to ask more detailed questions and share concerns on behalf of their neighbors. The project is expected to have a citywide impact on traffic, so all neighborhoods and residents are encouraged to register for this webinar to learn as much as possible before the construction starts. The project website is available at:
Land Development Consultants, as required per the City of Albuquerque IDO, have submitted a formal NA Meeting Request for the proposed convenience store to be located at the Southeast corner of Westside Blvd. & Golf Course Road.
This request is for the notice of application for a conditional use for liquor retail in MX-M zoning and variance for a light fueling station in MX-M within 330 ft of residential use.
Meeting details will be communicated as they become available.