In Seven Bar North, our trails and sidewalks are heavily used by our residents. There are many in our community that walk their dogs, walk as a form of exercise, or like to stroll to enjoy our fresh air and take in the beautiful yards in our neighborhoods. Unfortunately, we have received reports of residents suffering falls and injuries due to sidewalk deterioration. One of our HOA volunteers consistently walks through all eight neighborhoods and provided the following list of problem sidewalks needing attention:
- Casas del Norte – 21
- Casitas del Norte – 5
- Catamount – 8
- Cerro Crestado – 8
- Estrella del Norte – 2
- Montera – 5
- Rancho del Cielo – 3
- Seven Bar North Estates – 2
Please remember that sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner. As per the City of Albuquerque website:
“The City’s Sidewalk Ordinance requires that all property owners be responsible for maintenance, repair, and liability of the sidewalk in front and on each side of their property. If the sidewalk is in the rear of the property, it may be the City’s responsibility. You can call the Department of Municipal Development Construction Coordination Division at 505-924-3400 to investigate.”
You may also call 311 to report a sidewalk that needs attention.
Please inspect your sidewalk and repair if needed to avoid further residents’ falls and injuries.