Project #: 2020013; Pre-application
Property Description/Address: Wintergreen Apartments at Tract E-1, east of Golf Course Rd. and north of the Black Arroyo Channel.
Date Submitted: June 22, 2020
Submitted By: Philip Crump and Jocelyn M. Torres
Meeting Date/Time: June 18, 2020, 6:30-8:00 PM
Meeting Location: First Baptist Church, 3906 19th Ave. SE, Rio Rancho, NM
Facilitator: Philip Crump
Co-facilitator: Jocelyn M. Torres
Applicant: Calabac Illas Group c/o Donald Harville (owners)
Agent – Tierra West LLC (TW), Ronald Bohannan, President and Richard Stevenson, Engineer
Neighborhood Associations/Interested Parties – Seven Bar North Homeowners Association (HOA), West Side Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, Neighbors