DRB Agenda
The project is 3rd on the agenda.
DRB Agenda
The project is 3rd on the agenda.
The planned Wintergreen Apartments Complex on Golf Course and Benton Development Review Board hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 5th at 9:00 a.m. The initial hearing was held on July 22nd, but a ruling could not be issued due to incomplete documentation.This is a follow up hearing. It is the third item on the Agenda.
Details for joining the meeting are:
Remote Meeting Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 938 4689 5555
By phone +1 312 626 6799 or find your local number: https://cabq.zoom.us/u/aLqNrIrNh
Additional information has been disseminated by Richard Stevenson of Tierra West Development to email recipients on his distribution list. If you would like to receive the additional information, and are not on his list, please send a request to rstevenson@tierrawestllc.com.
The City of Albuquerque Development Review Board (DRB) to discuss the Apartments planned for Westside Blvd and Golf Course will be held next Wednesday 7/22/2020 at 0900am. We encourage all residents interested in the project to attend. The apartment project is the second item on the agenda. Here are the logistics for attending the meeting:
By phone 1-312-626-6799 or Find your local number: https://cabq.zoom.us/u/aqJL1OTkb
Here is the link for the full DRB agenda: http://documents.cabq.gov/planning/development-review-board/DRB2020/July/DRB%20Agenda_July_22_%202020%20-%20final.pdf
Please refer to our previous posts for documentation on the project that we have available. Click here for most recent post. Use Search term “planned development” to access previous posts.
The following are items relating to the traffic queries for this project:
Grading and Drainage: Here is the downloadable link to the drainage plan https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ah_cf8IHlL3ogkDpTWEqdjmDVXFo
Tierra West Development Golf Course & Westside
Application Hearing Details:
The Development Review Board hearing will be conducted on July 22, 2020. The agenda will be posted by Friday afternoon July 17th.
The DRB, as with all City boards and commissions, is holding online meetings via Zoom.