Landscape Contract
Our landscape maintenance contract with Yellowstone has been renewed. The contract has been revised to exclude Westside Boulevard. The city has assumed responsibility for Westside. All the HOA trees and plants have been, or will be, removed during the reconstruction of Westside Boulevard. The city will plant trees and other vegetation in the center median. The HOA was told that we would have input on what the city will plant.
The Yellowstone new work schedule will be as noted below:
Growing season
March through October three-week cycle.
Week 1 Both sides Seven Bar
Week 2 Both sides Sierrita
Week 3 All the trails
Non-growing season
November through February four-week cycle.
Week 1 West side of Seven Bar to include the trails
Week 2 East side of Seven Bar to include the trails
Week 3 West side of Sierrita to include the trails
Week 4 East Side of Sierrita to include the trail