District 5 Community Members and Neighborhood Leaders,
The September 23rd District 5 Council Meeting commencing at 6:00p.m. via. Zoom was packed with essential information on police, fire, and health public safety updates. It also included briefings on important District 5 projects such as Unser Blvd.’s expansion, and Cibola Lp. Housing component and Multi-Generational Center. Unfortunately, the meeting did not live stream due to technical difficulties. Now it is available for view at: https://youtu.be/woSQc64sxCo
Please express your comments on the meeting or any other topic you want addressed to cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov. Council President Borrego looks forward to your post meeting feedback and appreciates your interest and involvement in crime, District 5 road and other projects she steadfastly works to manifest and create.
Cynthia D. Borrego, MPA
City Council President, District 5 Office: (505) 768-3178
Review Proposed Changes Planning staff has gathered and posted a list of proposed changes for the City’s zoning code – the Integrated Development Ordinance – for this year’s update.
Comment on Proposed Changes Click on the link below to review proposed changes, leave comments, and review others’ comments. Proposed changes
Rate Proposed Changes Share your support or opposition by rating each proposed change using these online surveys. Online surveys
Discuss Changes with Staff Planning staff will host a series of public meetings to review and discuss these changes. See details below. Send comments to abctoz@cabq.gov.
Stay Engaged Find details about the 2021 IDO Annual Update throughout the City’s review and decision process on the project webpage. Project Webpage
Pre-EPC Public Review Meetings Planning staff will provide a series of meetings to review and discuss changes proposed for the 2021 IDO Annual Update via Zoom. Trainings will be recorded and posted here when available. Thursday, September 30, 5:30 – 7 p.m. –Add this event to your calendar Part 1 General Regulations Part 2 Zones Part 4 Uses Part 5 Development Standards
Friday, October 1, 12-1:30 p.m. –Add this event to your calendar Part 6 Administration & Enforcement (including review/decision processes) Part 7 Definitions
Wednesday, October 6, 5:30 – 7 p.m. –Add this event to your calendar Small Area Text Amendment – Prohibiting Cannabis Uses in Old Town
2nd Annual Memorial Honors Service and Sacrifice of First Responders
Bernalillo County – The Bernalillo County Fire Department presents the 2nd annual Fallen Heroes 9/11 Memorial this Saturday, Sept. 11. at BernCo @ Alvarado Square, 415 Silver Ave SW, Albuquerque. BernCo honor guards will stand silent watch over 343 sets of firefighter bunker gear for a total of 343 minutes in remembrance of the 343 firefighters and 71 law enforcement officers who lost their lives while answering the call for service.
“It’s been 20 years. Yet the devotion to duty and courage demonstrated by the heroes who arrived on scene to pandemonium and went running into the World Trade Center continues to inspire us as if it was yesterday,” says Bernalillo County Fire Chief Greg Perez. “This is our second year doing a silent memorial which focuses on the firefighters and law enforcement officers and provides a way for widespread public participation both in person and online.”
The 9/11 Memorial will take place in front of Bernalillo County’s new administrative headquarters on Silver Avenue and will begin promptly at 6:46 a.m., the local time at which the first plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center and NYC emergency dispatchers sent police, paramedics and firefighters. Ceremonial procedures will be conducted throughout the memorial marking the second plane impact into the south tower (7:03 a.m.), the Pentagon impact (7:37 a.m.), collapse of the south tower (7:59 a.m.), the crash of flight 93 in Pennsylvania after passengers foiled hijackers on the way to Washington D.C. (8:03 a.m.), the collapse of the north tower (8:28 a.m.) and at 343 minutes from the start of the memorial marking the end of the ceremony (12:29 p.m.) BCFD firefighters will also strike the four-fives on a ceremonial bell on the hour starting at 9 a.m. following the laying of wreaths.
Silver Avenue will remain open so viewers may drive by the memorial between Fourth and Fifth streets. Pedestrians may pay respects in person. Chaplains will be present. The memorial will also be streamed live on the Bernalillo County Fire Department Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BerncoFD).
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About Bernalillo County
Bernalillo County is 1,160 square miles and is New Mexico’s most populous county with more than 676,000 residents. Bernalillo County government provides a wide range of public services to residents who live in Albuquerque, Los Ranchos and Tijeras and the 111,000 residents who live outside the village and city limits in the unincorporated areas of the county. Bernalillo County employs approximately 2,500 people and has an annual operating budget and capital investments of more than $650 million. Elected officials include five county commissioners, assessor, clerk, probate judge, sheriff, and treasurer.
The Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets project was initiated by Council President Borrego at a cost of $118,000 allocated in the 2020 City of Albuquerque Budget clean-up bill R-20-118. See Council President Borrego’s letter detailing the project as well as a project brief at the bottom of this message.
The meeting flyer announcing a general neighborhood meeting occurring at 6:00p.m. Tuesday, September 7th via Zoom to discuss the Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets project. Join details are in the flyer and also shown below.
One additional public meeting to gather input and discuss recommendations on the Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets Project is set to occur October 21, 2021. The October meeting location is pending and will be provided at a later date.
Council President Borrego and the project team are excited about the possibilities of Golf Course as a central District 5 corridor and look forward to meeting with neighborhood members on September 7th to discuss the project in greater detail!
Project Summary
Council President Cynthia D. Borrego, in partnership with the Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG), is conducting a Complete Streets planning study on Taylor Ranch Road/Golf Course Road between Montaño Rd. and Westside Blvd. Specifically, the study seeks to determine the safety issues and challenges for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities along the corridor. The principal goals of the study are to inventory the existing conditions, identify safety concerns, document gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle networks, and present recommendations for roadway improvements, as well as recommend character enhancements along the corridor.