LUPZ Hearings for Overlay Zone Changes

The City Council’s Land Use, Planning, and Zoning (LUPZ) committee will hear three proposed changes to Overlay zones in the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 5 pm. This hybrid meeting takes place at City Hall, 9th Floor, Council Committee Room, and via Zoom. See Zoom details below. 

These small area amendments will be reviewed/decided as a quasi-judicial matter, meaning City Councilors will be acting as judges rather than as legislators. For that reason, the public may not speak to Councilors directly outside of a hearing about these proposed small area amendments. For questions regarding these proposals, please contact the Council Planning Manager, Shanna Schultz:

Attend the Hearing
See the Agenda posted here for details, including instructions for giving verbal comments at the hearing.

Zoom information:
Or One tap mobile : 
    US: +13462487799,,82902074476#  or +16694449171,,82902074476#

Review Proposed Changes

Send Written Comments

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ONE Albuquerque Newsletter

Hello Albuquerque,

 As the days get longer, our city’s bright future is just in reach. A new area command is open and operating to serve the University area. Construction at the Gateway Center is nearing the finish line. The annual Youth Job & Volunteer Fair saw a record turnout of participants who will undoubtedly make a positive impact in our community. The legislative session is in its final weeks, and we are holding the line in advancing the Metro Crime Initiative and making key investments in public safety. And last but certainly not least, the Albuquerque Community Safety department (ACS) is breaking ground on their new headquarters at San Mateo & Kathryn and will hold a community celebration later this spring.

 With this progress, we’re looking forward to a new and promising chapter in our community’s health and safety. We all know that homelessness and addiction are intertwined crises across our nation and right here in Albuquerque. ACS’s focus on responding to situations from a behavioral health lens has been key in transforming our public safety response to get people the help that they need. Gateway will serve as a place for hope and healing, a first-of-its-kind facility that specializes in helping those struggling with addiction and homelessness get back on track towards housing and stability. 

 We can’t let members of our community continue to fall behind. Gateway, ACS, and other innovative City programs and partnerships can help our neighbors overcome the challenges they are facing. We are better when working together to secure a brighter future for everyone.

Mayor Tim Keller


ONE Albuquerque January Newsletter

Hello Albuquerque,
 This has been a great start to 2023. From celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day to cheering on the Lobos at the Pit, there have been many opportunities for Burqueños of all ages to come together, and there’s more on the way. In February, the City will be hosting several events in honor of Black History Month, holding the annual Youth Job & Volunteer Fair, and more. Stay tuned for details.

As we move toward the future, the 60-day legislative session is of great importance for our community. This is our opportunity as New Mexicans to implement policies to keep our communities safe and vibrant and to make investments that spur the change we want to see. For us at the City, this means we’re advocating for funding to create more housing and advance landmark projects like the Gateway Center, which is already offering services including emergency beds during these winter months.  We’re on track to open phase one of the Gateway this spring thanks to public and private investments, and we need to take this momentum with us to the Roundhouse and secure resources to create more pathways to housing.

We’re also moving full steam ahead on this year’s Metro Crime Initiative (MCI). Coming off of last session’s successes, MCI offers a comprehensive package of policies that tackle gun violence, the fentanyl crisis, domestic violence, and more. Our number one priority is addressing the dangerous warrant backlog. Right now in Bernalillo county, there are nearly 5,000 outstanding felony warrants, 800 of those are violent, repeat, and recent offenders. APD and our partners in law enforcement have a plan for overtime operations to go after these drivers of crime and make our streets safer. With funding from the State, we are ready to carry out that plan. 

We are committed as ever to protecting our communities, and we want you to join us. Make your voice heard, and learn how you can get involved with MCI.


Mayor Tim Keller


City Redistricting Takes Effect October 20

At the September 19, 2022 City Council Meeting, the Council approved O-22-34 and Concept Map A as their new City Council District boundaries for the next 10 years. The ordinance will be formally published on Thursday, October 13, 2022 and the new Council District Boundaries will take effect on Thursday, October 20, 2022. City Council webpage and updated AGIS mapping layers will also go into effect on October 20.

The new City Council District boundaries account for population changes and offers minimal change from current Council Districts. Council District boundaries remain identical for Districts 3, 4, and 9. Changes to other Districts include:

  • District 5 had to lose population. Its boundary with District 1 moves north to the bluff south of the Petroglyph Estates.
  • District 2 crosses the river between Central and I-40 to Coors taking the West Mesa and Pat Hurley neighborhoods from District 1.
  • District 6 moves west into District 2 from Buena Vista to I-25 between Gibson and Lomas. District 6 also takes the University West area (including Carrie Tingley Hospital) from District 2.
  • District 7 moves south into District 2 from I-40 to Lomas between I-25 and Carlisle not including the University West area.
  • District 8 moves into District 7 from Montgomery to Comanche between Wyoming and Eubank.
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“Imagine Albuquerque” Day Aims To Create Citywide Community Cleanup and Connection

The Chaplaincy of Albuquerque Fire Rescue (AFR), Red Shovel Landscaping, AFR retirees, and other partners have designated Saturday, September 24 as “Imagine Albuquerque” Day. On that day, these partners will come together and spearhead a citywide clean-up and beautification initiative, volunteering their time to rake weeds, clean up trash and litter, and more. The idea behind “Imagine Albuquerque” is to showcase the positive in our city to leave our community better than how we found it. If you want to be part of this great initiative, visit: