General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Money – How Do You Want It Spent?


How do you want your General Obligation (G.O.) bond money spent? A new library? Road repairs? Updates to storm sewers? Enhancements to community and senior centers? Resources for public safety? Take our short survey and let the City Council know how you want the bond money spent for your community!

Budget Resolution 128, passed in March 2021, clarifies the different projects that the G.O. bond money could be spent upon. You can learn more about the possible projects at:…/programs/2021-g-o-bond-program

IDO Annual Update 2021


Proposed Amendments

The City has committed to continually improving the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) through an annual update process. 

Planning staff submitted proposed amendments for the 2021 IDO Annual Update to the Environmental Planning Commission on October 28, 2021.

Citywide Amendments
Proposed amendments would affect properties citywide and will be considered as a legislative matter.

  • See the list posted here.
  • Download the list as a PDF from a button in the toolbar immediately above the document.
  • Add comments that will be forwarded to the EPC by clicking on the document and filling out the comment box.
  • See the project webpage for videos of the public review meetings about the proposed changes: 2021 Annual Update webpage 

Small Area Amendments – Old Town HPO-5
The proposed amendment would prohibit cannabis uses within the boundary of the Old Town Historic Protection Overlay Zone (HPO-5).

  • Cannabis retail
  • Cannabis cultivation
  • Cannabis-derived products manufacturing

As an amendment only affecting properties in a small area, this change will be decided as a quasi-judicial matter. For quasi-judicial decisions, City Councilors will be acting more like judges than like legislators.

For that reason, discussions with Councilors about this proposed change outside of public hearings is prohibited, and people will be sworn in if they would like to provide comments at the hearings. 

Review Proposed Changes

EPC Hearing #1

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District 5 ‘Windows’ Celebratory Parks Meeting Nov. 16th

The City of Albuquerque Council District 5 Office is hosting a Zoom meeting to discuss a new initiative in District 5 termed the ‘Window’s’  Celebratory Park’s project.  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16th at 5:30p.m.  The link to join the meeting is shown above and in the meeting flyer.

The District 5 ‘Windows’ Celebratory Park project is an exciting look at proposed future open space areas across the District.  The proposed areas are carefully identified to draw attention to the unique character of District 5 and create cohesive connection throughout the NW Mesa.  Celebratory features and amenities will be constructed.  Please consider attending the meeting and providing your insights to the project. 

A map of the project site is found at and instructions for using the map are found here.  Please see the project website where comments and recommendations are accepted at  

Taylor Ranch/Golf Course Complete Streets Study Thursday, October 21, 2021


Purpose of Meeting
This meeting will present draft recommendations and design concepts for review and feedback. The Project Team will incorporate public input into the final report. Note that final engineering will take place in a later phase of the study.

Please refer to meeting flyer for additional information.

Go to the website below to provide comments and for more information on the project and additional details on public meetings.

Virtual Panel Discussion on Domestic Violence Sheds Light on Important Public Health Topic

In support of October being National Domestic Violence Awareness month, the New Mexico Crisis and Access Line is hosting an online panel conversation on October 9th that will focus on understanding and addressing domestic and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV) and addiction. Topics will include the signs, symptoms, and definitions of each, and training will be offered on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of DV/IPV, how to understand the dynamics of DV/IPV and the role of addiction, and find resources for those who need help. To sign up for this important panel discussion, visit: