At the September 19, 2022 City Council Meeting, the Council approved O-22-34 and Concept Map A as their new City Council District boundaries for the next 10 years. The ordinance will be formally published on Thursday, October 13, 2022 and the new Council District Boundaries will take effect on Thursday, October 20, 2022. City Council webpage and updated AGIS mapping layers will also go into effect on October 20.
The new City Council District boundaries account for population changes and offers minimal change from current Council Districts. Council District boundaries remain identical for Districts 3, 4, and 9. Changes to other Districts include:
- District 5 had to lose population. Its boundary with District 1 moves north to the bluff south of the Petroglyph Estates.
- District 2 crosses the river between Central and I-40 to Coors taking the West Mesa and Pat Hurley neighborhoods from District 1.
- District 6 moves west into District 2 from Buena Vista to I-25 between Gibson and Lomas. District 6 also takes the University West area (including Carrie Tingley Hospital) from District 2.
- District 7 moves south into District 2 from I-40 to Lomas between I-25 and Carlisle not including the University West area.
- District 8 moves into District 7 from Montgomery to Comanche between Wyoming and Eubank.