Department of Senior Affairs Offering Free Flu Shot Clinics

Colder weather is the cue to ramp down your watering! Irrigate only on an as-needed basis and don’t forget to give your trees a deep watering about once a month. It’s the best way to keep plants healthy as we head into winter. Check out our Fall Watering Recommendations — or sign up for an online “Weather the Drought” class — to learn more! Also, this is a good time to add mulch to all your plants; it will keep their roots insulated from coming cold snaps. Locally produced “Compost del Rio Grande” is available for purchase from the Water Authority’s Soil Amendment Facility.
Read the newsletter articles at www.505outside.com.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the first full month of fall. We continued to conduct “Cop on a Corner” briefings throughout the area command. Although we have seen some involvement from the community we would like to see more of you come out to meet our officers. These
events will give you the opportunity to attend police field briefings where you can interact with the officers assigned to your neighborhoods and provide in part information and ask questions. The briefings will serve as a way to exchange information. It is also an opportunity for officers to provide you with crime prevention tips and tools. We will be sending out flyers with the locations and times of our next two events.
During the month of October we saw some decrease on our aggravated assaults
from our previous month, however, our robberies do continue to rise. Overall we
do continue to see increases in our violent crimes. However, we also had another
decrease on our overall numbers for property crimes. We saw an increase in burglaries of storage units and are working on operations to address those.
The City has committed to continually improving the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) through an annual update process.
Planning staff submitted proposed amendments for the 2021 IDO Annual Update to the Environmental Planning Commission on October 28, 2021.
Citywide Amendments
Proposed amendments would affect properties citywide and will be considered as a legislative matter.
Small Area Amendments – Old Town HPO-5
The proposed amendment would prohibit cannabis uses within the boundary of the Old Town Historic Protection Overlay Zone (HPO-5).
As an amendment only affecting properties in a small area, this change will be decided as a quasi-judicial matter. For quasi-judicial decisions, City Councilors will be acting more like judges than like legislators.
For that reason, discussions with Councilors about this proposed change outside of public hearings is prohibited, and people will be sworn in if they would like to provide comments at the hearings.
Project was begun on October 27th and should be complete within 2-3 weeks.