Free Digital Literacy Classes


The Department of Senior Affairs in partnership with Adelante DiverseIT is excited to offer a series of FREE digital literacy group classes designed to teach the benefits of technology. Reserve a spot in our computer lab or bring your own laptop, smartphone or tablet. One on one mentoring for personal devices will be available. Space is limited, registration required.

See November’s Schedule.

One Albuquerque Newsletter

October 22, 2021
Hello Albuquerque, 

We just got the good news—Albuquerque is far exceeding estimated economic growth, and outpacing our neighbors including Austin, Colorado Springs, El Paso, Oklahoma City, and Phoenix in key economic measures like construction job growth. Recently released data shows that Gross Receipts Tax (GRT), a key measure of economic activity, exceeded expectations. GRT growth from this August was 22.7% higher than August 2020, and 20.9% higher than pre-pandemic August 2019. Those numbers come on the heels of remarkable growth in July; incredibly strong growth for the first two months of this fiscal year.  Beating the projections is welcome news, but it doesn’t come as a total surprise. 

When the pandemic hit, we stepped up to save lives and livelihoods, expanding essential services, investing over $300 million into New Deal-style infrastructure projects, and getting relief money, rental assistance, meals, and childcare services out to the small businesses and working families who needed them. We knew that if we stuck together to make it through the worst, we could prime Albuquerque for recovery. Today, Burqueños’ wages are up, construction is underway on projects ranging from affordable housing to road repairs, and we’re bringing thousands of new jobs to our city as national employers invest in Albuquerque.

Another recent game-changer: For almost two months now, first responders of the new Albuquerque Community Safety department (ACS) have been out in the field, taking dispatch calls from 9-1-1 as an official 3rd public safety branch. With backgrounds in behavioral health, social work, and street outreach, these first responders are taking hundreds of non-violent calls out of APD and AFR’s queues so that police officers and EMTs can focus on violent crime and medical emergencies instead. 

Want to know what it’s like to ride along with ACS? The Washington Post published a story on ACS’ impact on their front-page last week, with a first-hand account of a day on the job, and how this trauma-informed public health response can make lasting change in our city. 

Yesterday, I sat in on a training with ACS’ newest class of responders. They’re passionate about making our city safer and healthier for all of us. If you’re interested in being part of our recovery and jumpstarting your career, take a look at the positions that we’re hiring for at ACS and other City departments.

Your Mayor,
Tim Keller

Read entire newsletter.

Cibola Loop Multi-generational Center Update from Councilor Borrego


Councilor Borrego speaks at Cibola Loop Multigenerational Center Press Conference on October 14th

The Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center’s first ‘floor/stage’ of construction is estimated to cost $14.2 Million.  There is currently $500,000 from the 2021 NM State Legislature remaining after design (2019 Voter Bond Election at $1.5 million, 2019 State Legislature $600,000) to construct the Center.  The total design cost is $2.1 Million and requires 2 years to complete, with another ¾ of a year remaining toward the full design’s finalization. The first floor or ‘stage’ of the Center’s design is currently complete to the point that construction of the first stage can potentially be undertaken with adequate funding.

The 2021 November Bond Election under the title “General Obligation Senior, Family, Community Center, Homeless, and Community Enhancement Bonds” includes $6 Million to construct the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center.  Should the bond proposal be approved by voters, total secured construction funding will total $6,600,00. Please encourage your state Senator(s) and Representative(s) to fund the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational project at the  2022 NM State Legislative Session.

 The Council District 5 office applied to Senator Martin Heinrich and Senator Ben Ray Lujan to consider dedicating $3 million toward the acquisition of an additional piece of property at the Cibola Lp. complex and the installation of hydrology features.  Sen. Heinrich and Sen Lujan are championing the federal dedication of funds to the project to ensure the Center’s structure, once constructed, adequately drains to avoid undermining its foundation.

Should the November bond election for Senior, Family, and Community Center’s be approved by voters, the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational center’s construction funding will be approximately half secured.  We look forward to identifying future funding sources through collaborations with our state and federal legislators and you to complete the construction of this wonderful new amenity to District 5.

Westside Widening Project Update



Update as of  Monday, October 18, 2021

CONTACT for questions and more information:
Patti Watson, 505-269-9691 cell; 505-245-3134 office;
For more information or to sign up for email construction updates,

Westbound traffic on Westside Blvd will be detoured north on Golf Course Rd, then east on 19th Ave to access Grande Blvd.

Northbound traffic on Grande Blvd will be detoured west on 19th Ave, then south on Golf Course Rd to access Westside Blvd.

Traffic on Grande Blvd will continue to be able to access NM 528 from 21st Ave.

ONGOING: All but one lane of westbound Westside Blvd. is closed from NM 528 to west of Grande Blvd. Also, one of the two left-hand turn bays from northbound NM 528 to westbound Westside Blvd is closed. Westside Blvd has westbound traffic shifted east and west of Golf Course Rd, with traffic reduced to one lane west of Golf Course Rd.

Regular work hours are Mon.-Fri., 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m., although the contractor may work longer hours or on weekends if needed. All construction is weather permitting and is subject to change without notice.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event November 13th


The City of Albuquerque’s Department of Municipal Development, Engineering Division; Solid Waste Management Department; Bernalillo County, and Advanced Chemical Transport (ACT) are sponsoring a free household hazardous waste collection event.

Residents of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County are encouraged to bring their household hazardous waste on this drop-off day.  Examples of household hazardous waste include those items that can burn easily (flammable), corrode or irritate the skin (corrosive), or poison humans and animals (toxic).

WHEN:  November 13, 2021 from 10am to 3pm

WHERE:  Balloon Fiesta Park, 5000 Balloon Fiesta Parkway NW, Albuquerque, NM 87113

  • Participants are required to wear a face covering.
  • Participants must have all items visible in the trunk or back seat of their car.
  • An Advanced Chemical Transport employee will remove the items from participant’s vehicles and the participant will continue driving through the line.

Please find link below to print form, fill out the form and bring to the event on Saturday, November 13th from 10am to 3pm.