Online Resources To Look Up Permit Applications, Land Use Information and More


Did you know you can find information about projects or development going on in your neighborhood? These links are available on the ONC’s Resource Page as well:

The Planning Department’s Land Management System (LMS) can be used to search various types of permit requests, including type of permit, status, issuance date and other pertinent information. An account is not required in order to use the system’s search features.
DRB, EPC and ZHE Public Hearings
The Development Review Board (DRB)Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) and Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) offer functions associated with project review. Applications to these hearing bodies includes notification to property owners and neighborhood associations. A periodic check of the respective websites will also help to track proposals as they work their way through the review process.

Clean and Green Ordinance In Effect Again Starting August 1


The Clean and Green Ordinance, which bans single-use plastic bags at retail establishments and which was temporarily suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, will go into effect once again on Sunday, August 1. This means that plastic bags will no longer be used at grocery stores or other similar business establishments. Don’t forget to start taking your reusable bags with you to the store! To learn more about the ordinance, visit:

Congratulations Dubra Karnes-Padilla


Dubra Karnes-Padilla has been appointed to the National Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) – Patient, Family Advisory Board (PFAB).  PBAB is a new initiative by the ACHA to advise the ACHA Board and better serve those CHD patients and families in our country in eight designated regions. It is a three year term, and she will be one of two representatives for the Mountain Region.  She wants everyone to know about the important work ACHA is doing. One in every 100 babies is born with a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD). CHD is the number one birth defect. 1.4 million Americans have CHD, and this population grows by 5% annually.  As those living with CHD grow up and transition into adulthood, they will need specialized care by trained congenital cardiologists, from infancy and youth, adulthood and into advanced age. ACHA is there to advocate for and educate those with CHD and their families. Adult Congenital Heart Association – Home – ACHA (

Dubra retired in 2012 from UNM Valencia Campus where she was a faculty member and taught physical education and health education courses along with managing the Campus Fitness and Wellness Education Center. She serves on the UNM Retiree Association Board and chairs the Legislative Committee, 2016 to present and is committed to protecting teacher’s retiree pension benefits. In January, she was appointed by the Albuquerque City Council to the City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs Advisory Board and serves on two committees, the Age Friendly Committee and Facility Committee.

Dubra and her husband Ed have been residents of the Casas del Norte neighborhood since 2014.  She also is a volunteer on our HOA Landscape Committee.  Congratulations, Dubra!

Global Give a Book & Council President Borrego Back to School Event


Global Give A Book with Council President Cynthia Borrego’s support and funding, stuffed 500 backpacks with award winning children’s books, and school supplies to surprise curious and joyful learners on their path back to in person schooling.  The distribution event is to occur on Saturday, July 31,2021 from 10am-1pm at Church Alive Campus, 4601 Avocet Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114.  There will be plenty of fun activities for District 5’s young people at the event.  Council President Borrego and Global Give a Book hope you and your families will attend!

Cibola Loop Housing Community Meeting


The Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership (GAHP) will host a community meeting about a proposed multifamily housing community for seniors with approximately 80 units at Cibola Loop NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114. GAHP is seeking approval of funding from the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services.

GAHP is a non-profit, community housing organization dedicated to creating exceptional sustainable, multifamily communities with enrichment services to support healthy families, household stability, and safe neighborhoods.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually via Zoom on July 27, 2021 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please register below. Questions can be submitted prior to the meeting via email here, as well as during the meeting using the Q&A functions. A recording will be available on the GAHP Facebook page within one week following the meeting.

Felipe Rael | Executive Director
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership