The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) will review proposed changes to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), the City’s zoning code, at a special hearing for the IDO Annual Update in December 2021. This is the first step in the City’s review/decision process, each of which includes opportunities for public comment. The proposed changes will continue to change throughout the process as staff and decision-makers consider and respond to comments and concerns. We encourage you to stay engaged throughout the process. Please see details below: . Hearing #1: December 9, 2021 – Zoom Staff will present the amendments, and the EPC will take public comments and discuss potential conditions of approval. Zoom link: To dial in by phone: (346) 248-7799, Meeting ID: 226 959 2859 The meeting agenda, staff report, and all other meeting materials will be available by Friday, December 3 here: EPC webpage |
Tag Archives: IDO
City Council’s LUPZ Committee Hearing #1 May 5th

The City Council’s Land Use, Planning, and Zoning (LUPZ) Committee will review proposed changes to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), the City’s zoning code, on Wednesday, May 5 at 3 p.m. via Zoom. For details on how to join the Zoom meeting, please refer to the LUPZ agenda, available here: Legistar Calendar This first LUPZ hearing will include a presentation from staff, and public comments will be taken. You can also send written comments via email to the City Clerk: Note: For amendments affecting only a small area, City Council will be acting quasi-judicially (i.e. similar to judges). For that reason, you cannot contact your Councilor directly with comments about proposed changes to small area regulations. Instead, contact Council planning staff: Petra Morris: Shanna Schultz: LUPZ materials for review: Ordinance to adopt IDO Annual Update 2020: O-21-60 Proposed City Council LUPZ Amendments Redline Draft More details about the 2020 IDO Annual Update: Project Webpage |
Planning Department Hosting Online Trainings for Community

The Planning Department is hosting a series of online training sessions related to the IDO 2019 Annual Update for the community and you’re invited to participate! These trainings will address key regulations and procedures, and will provide time for participants to ask questions. There will be one “Ask an Expert” session devoted to answering questions, and the evening training sessions will provide a combination of the same training information provided during the daytime sessions. The training sessions will also be recorded and presented online so if you can’t attend, you can always check them out later. This week, you can participate in:
- Thursday, October 29, 12:15 – 1:45 p.m. – Training – Key Regulations
- Friday, October 30, 12:15 – 1:45 p.m. – Training – Key Procedures
To sign up for these trainings, and to learn more about the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), visit: