The Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office reminds residents that, as the May 7 deadline for both online and paper voter registration approaches, constituents are encouraged to register and update their voter information to ensure their voices are heard in the upcoming June 4 Primary Election. For those who may miss the deadline, there’s no need to worry. Beginning on May 7, same-day registration will be available at the Clerk’s Annex, located at 1500 Lomas NW. This will provide eligible individuals with the opportunity to register and cast their vote on the very same day. The Clerk’s Annex will be open for same-day registration and in-person absentee voting from May 7 through May 17, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Following this initial period, additional locations will be made available for early voting, along with the continuation of same-day registration from May 18 through June 1. For trusted information on elections and voting in Bernalillo County, visit: Bernalillo County Clerk | Linda Stover (berncoclerk.gov)