IDO 2023 Annual Update – Hearing #2 January 11th

IDO Annual Update 2023
Environmental Planning Commission Hearing #2

EPC will consider proposed Conditions of Approval and vote on a recommendation to City Council about the proposed amendments to the City’s zoning code: the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO).

  • Thursday, January 11
  • 8:45 am via Zoom
  • Meeting materials and Zoom info will be posted here.

EPC is the first step of the City’s review/decision process. The Annual Update heads to City Council’s Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee next. 

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Coffee with a Cop Coming Up This Friday January 12th

The officers of the Northwest Area Command with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) cordially invite the public to Coffee with a Cop this Friday, January 12 at 9:00 a.m., Target, 9371 Coors NW. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, enjoy a complimentary cup of joe, and get to know your officers. For more information, contact Pete Gelabert at:

Annual Treecycling Kicks Off December 26

Solid Waste Management, Parks and Recreation, and PNM are teaming up to offer residents a chance to recycle their real Christmas trees. Treecycling starts Tuesday, December 26, 2023, through January 8, 2024. You are encouraged to drop off your real Christmas tree at one of the three designated locations in Albuquerque between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Saturday through Wednesday.

  • Eagle Rock Convenience Center at 6301 Eagle Rock NE
  • Ladera Golf Course at 3401 Ladera Dr. NW
  • Montessa Park Convenience Center at 3512 Los Picaros SE

No artificial trees will be accepted, and only 5 real trees will be allowed per resident. Commercial customers may call 505-761-8300 to schedule a separate drop off. Please remove all bags, tree stands, decorations, and lights from trees before dropping them off to be mulched. PNM Vegetation Management crews and Parks and Recreation staff will grind trees into mulch chips, which can provide a better growing environment for plants and residential landscapes. Residents can pick up the mulch chips free of charge while supplies last. Last year, this program kept more than 3,600 trees out of the landfill. To learn more, visit:

Green Waste Collection Continues Through Friday

The City’s Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) will pick up green waste through Friday, December 8. This service is offered to residential customers at no additional charge. Solid Waste customers should have their green waste at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on their regular trash collection day. All green waste must be placed five feet from trash and recycling containers as well as any large item scheduled for pick-up. Solid Waste residential customers must place their green waste such as leaves, grass, and brush in trash bags. Each trash bag should not weigh more than 40 pounds. Customers that have branches must cut them to four-foot lengths and bundle them securely. Green waste should not be placed in your recycle cart. For more information, visit:

City Leaders Session Focuses on Historic Preservation

The Planning Department is offering a City Leaders learning opportunity for community members interested in historic preservation. Participants will hear from the City’s historic preservation staff about how neighborhoods are protected and preserved, and how community members can help with these efforts in their neighborhoods. We’ll also take time to explore both traditional and new housing opportunities for Albuquerque residents, such as casitas (accessory dwelling units), which are now allowed in all residential areas, as well as new proposals for meeting housing and economic development needs in the City. The Session takes place Saturday, December 2, 10:30 a.m – 1:30 p.m., Special Collections Library, 432 Central Avenue NE. For more information, visit: