Westside Blvd Project Update


Update as of Thursday, July 1 2021

CONTACT for questions and more information:
Patti Watson, 505-269-9691 cell; 505-245-3134 office; pattiw@cwastrategic.com

For more information or to sign up for email construction updates, visit:www.westsidewidening.com

Star Paving is continuing construction on the first phase of the Westside Blvd widening project, which is expected to last through late fall 2021. The entire project is expected to be completed in spring 2022. For now, the following traffic impacts will be in place:

•  Westside Blvd will have westbound traffic shifted and reduced to one lane west of Golf Course Rd.

Please note that the contractor will open up the straight thru lane for westbound traffic on Westside Blvd when possible, but will need to close it occasionally for safety reasons. When there is only one westbound lane open on Westside Blvd west of Golf Course Rd, there may be delays. Motorists should seek an alternate route when possible.

•  Golf Course Rd will have one lane of northbound traffic just north of Westside Blvd.
•  Golf Course Rd will have one lane of southbound traffic just north of Westside Blvd.

NOTE: The contractor has been granted extended hours and may work from 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Saturday (Saturday work begins July 10, 2021). The earlier start time is due to the extreme heat and for the safety of the construction crew. The contractor will not be working on Monday, July 5, in observance of the Independence Day holiday, but barricades will remain in place for safety.

COMING LATER THIS SUMMER: The contractor will close Grande Blvd at Westside Blvd later this summer. Advance notice will be provided when a date for this closure is scheduled and a designated detour route will also be provided.

All construction is weather permitting and is subject to change without notice.

Proposed Cibola Loop Housing Community Meeting


The Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership (GAHP) invites you to join us for a community meeting about a proposed multifamily housing community for seniors with approximately 80 units at 10555 Cibola Loop NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114. GAHP is seeking approval of funding from the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services.GAHP is a non-profit, community housing organization dedicated to creating exceptional sustainable, multifamily communities with enrichment services to support healthy families, household stability, and safe neighborhoods.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually via Zoom on July 27, 2021 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please register below. Questions can be submitted prior to the meeting via email here, as well as during the meeting using the Q&A functions. A recording will be available on the GAHP Facebook page within one week following the meeting.
Felipe Rael | Executive Director
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership

Construction Update on Westside Blvd Widening Project

Update as of Thursday, May 27th

CONTACT for questions and more information:
Patti Watson, 505-269-9691 cell; 505-245-3134 office; pattiw@cwastrategic.com

For information or to sign up for email construction updates, visit:www.westsidewidening.com

Star Paving is continuing construction on the first phase of the Westside Blvd widening project, which is expected to last through late fall 2021. The entire project is expected to be completed in spring 2022. For now, the following traffic impacts will be in place:

  • Westside Blvd will have westbound traffic shifted and reduced to one lane west of Golf Course Rd and just east of Golf Course Rd. 

Please note that the contractor will open up the straight thru lane for westbound traffic on Westside Blvd when possible, but will need to close it often for safety reasons. When there is only one westbound lane open on Westside Blvd west of Golf Course Rd, there may be delays. Motorists should seek an alternate route when possible.

  • Golf Course Rd will have one thru lane and one right-turn lane of northbound traffic south of Westside Blvd.
  • Golf Course Rd will have one lane of northbound traffic just north of Westside Blvd.
  • Golf Course Rd will have one lane of southbound traffic just north of Westside Blvd.

Regular work hours are Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-5 p.m., although the contractor may work longer hours or on weekends if needed. The contractor will not be working on Monday, May 31, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday, but barricades will remain in place.

All construction is weather permitting and is subject to change without notice.

Meeting March 24th – Golf Course & Westside Development


Red Sky Development is looking at the southeast corner of Golf Course & Westside Blvd for Restaurant & Retail Development. Red Sky is asking the surrounding community to provide input on what would make our neighborhood better.

A meeting has been scheduled for March 24th, 6:15 P.M. – 8:15 P.M to discuss the development and solicit input. Access information is shown below.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 460 048 3770

Password: 713611

Wintergreen Apartments DRB Review March 10th


The Development Review Board will hold the hearing for the Wintergreen Apartments on Golf Course and Westside on March 10th. The item is fourth on the agenda. The agenda includes information on accessing the DRB meeting. 

Access Information for March 10th meeting:
Remote Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 971 2788 6627
+1 312 626 6799 US or find your local number: https://cabq.zoom.us/u/adsIsYHt3j