Spring is here! Along with the beautiful spring blooms we get to enjoy, there are also those pesky weeds that need plucking. Violation letters will resume on April 1st.
Spring is here! Along with the beautiful spring blooms we get to enjoy, there are also those pesky weeds that need plucking. Violation letters will resume on April 1st.
One of our HOA homeowners reported receiving a letter from the “Northwest Albuquerque Realtors Association” telling him that he must remove the basketball hoop he has in front of his house. Upon investigation, we found that no such organization exists and even if it did, such a letter from them would be bogus. Notification of potential violations within the HOA would come from either Corder and Company or the city. If you receive letters from anyone else about possible violations, please let Corder and Company know.
The Ethics Committee of the Board of Realtors would be interested in information about the letter senders since the letters are not from any licensed Realtor organization and it is illegal to impersonate a real estate agent.