Animal Welfare Department Reminds Pet Owners To Remember The Leash!


The Animal Welfare Department (AWD) would like to remind pet owners to remember the leash if you take your pet to City parks, trails, open spaces and anywhere within City limits. We love our furry friends here in Albuquerque and we encourage pet parents to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather with them!

AWD understands pet parents want the freedom of letting their pets roam, but as a reminder there are leash laws in Albuquerque for their safety and the safety of others. The City’s Municipal Code § 9-2-2-2 (A) states that “all animals are required to be on a leash. No animal shall be permitted in any street or public place within the city unless it is effectively restrained by a leash not to exceed 8 feet in length.” Violators could be fined for civil violations at $200 for the first offense, $300 for the second, and $500 for the third or subsequent offense or criminal charges can also be filed. There are several dog parks throughout Albuquerque where dogs can play off-leash. To see the map of dog parks, visit:

ABCWUA Hosting Workshops on Tree Health and Irrigation


The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is hosting a series of workshops teaching residents how to create a tree watering system. Keeping your trees happy and healthy over their lifetime is an important contribution to our community urban forest. Learn how to make a system that’s just right for your trees. Check out this link for more information:

Eagle Rock Convenience Center Will Have Delays This Week


The Eagle Rock Convenience Center will have maintenance delays Tuesday, August 13 through Friday, August 16. The facility will be open each of the days during construction but customers should expect delays. Please consider going to another convenience center or the Cerro Colorado Landfill to dispose of waste. For a complete listing of trash drop-off sites, visit:

City of Albuquerque Constructive Conversations


This spring, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and City Councilors met for “Constructive Conversations,” a series of community meetings fostering dialogue between residents and city leaders to shape the future of the built environment in Albuquerque. The meetings sought to bridge the gap between community aspirations and funding realities.

The series featured nine sessions exploring planned development in each Council district across Albuquerque. There was significant attendance and interaction between community members and the Mayor’s Office, City Councilors and City Department leaders including Planning, Parks and Recreation, Municipal Development, Community Safety and more. More than 1,100 people registered for the Conversations which took place in all nine City Council Districts.

The final report summarizes key facts related to the Constructive Conversations as well as feedback received on community hopes and needs.

View the report

View the Constructive Conversations slide show in PDF format

Watch a recap video

Explore the data

MRCOG Seeks Public Input on Long-Range Transportation Plan


The Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) is seeking public input on the 2045 Transitions MTP Phase 2 through a communitywide survey. The update to the region’s long-range transportation plan was officially kicked off last fall. Since then, MRMPO staff launched a successful first phase of public engagement with an interactive survey, public meetings, in person community events, and online tools. Now with summer in full swing, MRMPO is returning with a second phase of public engagement. You can take the online survey at:!/?p=web&pm=dynamic&s=1&popup=WTD.
For more information, contact Peach Anderson Tauzer at: