Northwest Area Command Invites You To “Coffee With A Cop” Tuesday, January 21st

The Northwest Area Command of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) cordially invites the public to “Coffee With a Cop” next Tuesday, January 21 at 8:00 a.m. at Donut Mart, 3301 Coors NW. This is a great opportunity for members of the community to meet the officers, ask questions and share concerns, and enjoy complimentary coffee. For more information, contact Pete Gelabert at:

“Coffee With A Cop” on Tuesday, September 10 Promotes Citywide Safety and Community Outreach


The public is cordially invited to join the officers of the Albuquerque Police Department for a large-scale “Coffee with a Cop” on Tuesday, September 10 at the University Substation, 1009 Bradbury SE, between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. There will be complimentary coffee and refreshments courtesy of Dunkin’ Donuts. This is a great opportunity to meet the officers, share concerns and ask questions, and enjoy that great cup of Dunkin’ Donuts joe! For more information, contact Angelina Navarro, Community Engagement Manager, at:

BernCo Announces 30-Day Warning Period for Speed Enforcement Traffic Cameras


Bernalillo County announced that today, Monday, August 26, marks the start of a 30-day warning period for newly activated traffic cameras. While drivers will still receive notices in the mail, they will not have a due date or a fine printed on them. This is your chance to adjust before full enforcement kicks in. Starting September 25, individuals who are caught speeding will face a $100 citation or a $25 fine, along with four hours of community service with the BernCo Clean Team. Please note that cameras are located at:

  • Paradise eastbound & westbound at Radcliffe
  • Isleta northbound between Arenal & Montrose Place
  • Isleta southbound between Sunbeam & Brother
  • Golf Course northbound & southbound between Congress Ave & Sutton Street
  • Bridge eastbound & westbound between Old Coors & Atrisco Drive
  • Arenal eastbound & westbound between Isleta Blvd & Tapia

For more information, visit:

Update on Westside Speeding and Lighting


As many HOA members are aware, the Seven Bar HOA Board has expressed concerns to the City of Albuquerque regarding problems created by the expansion of Westside Blvd. Many more people are using Westside since the expansion to four lanes. Unfortunately, many of them are speeding. The expansion also included a large number of new streetlights. These lights are not properly shielded according to law to prevent excessive light from shining onto the properties that abut Westside.
Because of homeowner complaints about these problems, the HOA Board decided to give additional voice to these homeowners by petitioning the City to address these problems. We researched the speeding and light pollution issues and circulated a petition requesting speed cameras on Westside (there are currently 20 such cameras on city roadways) and calling for shields or hoods for the streetlights that comply with state and local laws. We gave the petition to Mayor Keller and Councilor Lewis on May 28, 2024.

This is an update on the City’s response so far. In our May 2024 Newsletter we reported on all traffic stops on Westside by the APD Northwest Area Command between November 2023 and early March 2024. We have recently been provided with new information about traffic stops that specifically involve speeding citations. From the beginning of this year through July 31, 2024, there have been 220 speeding citations issued. This was only for traffic going east on Westside, which the City claims is all they are responsible for. Traffic going west is said to be the responsibility of Rio Rancho, and we do not have their figures on any speeding citations issued.

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