Got used tires? Dispose of them for free during Bernalillo County Tire Amnesty Days. Bring them over to the Pajarito Community Center on Sunday, January 26 and safely dispose of your unwanted tires while helping keep our community clean and green. It’s free, eco-friendly, and you can join your neighbors in making a positive impact. There is a maximum of nine passenger car/truck tires per vehicle. No tires will be received from businesses. For more information, visit:
Teeniors, an organization that offers free tech assistance to senior citizens from Albuquerque teens, is offering free 1-on-1 tech training through the end of January.
Friday, January 24, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., North Valley Senior Center
Monday, January 27, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
Thursday, January 30, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Los Volcanes Senior Center
The City’s Department of Health, Housing and Homelessness has prepared its Draft 2025 Action Plan and seeks public input. A public hearing to present the Draft 2025 Action Plan will be held on Wednesday, January 22 at 5:30 p.m. at the Los Griegos Health & Social Services Center, 1231 Candelaria NW.
The Action Plan serves as the COA’s grant application to HUD and includes specific activities to be undertaken with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from HUD and other local funds in furtherance of the Consolidated Plan strategies during Program Year 2025, July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.
Estimated funding from HUD includes $4,221,830.00 of CDBG funding; $21,000.00 of CDBG program income; $1,947,445.00 of HOME funding; $100,000.00 of HOME program income; $486,861.25 of HOME Match; $376,019.00 of ESG funding; and $376,019 of ESG Match. The Action Plan will also include $866,656.00 in General Funds.
For individuals who need assistance at the public hearing, contact Yolanda Krantz (505) 768-2885 72 hours prior to the hearing. The public hearing will also be held via Zoom at the following link: For more information, contact Tammy Jo Archuleta at:
The Northwest Area Command of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) cordially invites the public to “Coffee With a Cop” next Tuesday, January 21 at 8:00 a.m. at Donut Mart, 3301 Coors NW. This is a great opportunity for members of the community to meet the officers, ask questions and share concerns, and enjoy complimentary coffee. For more information, contact Pete Gelabert at:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will be commemorated on Monday, January 20 and some City offices and departments will be closed. However, there will be regular trash and recycle pickup, regular bus and Sun Van service, and the 311 Call Center will be open to take calls. For a complete listing of available services and closures for that day, visit: