2022 Goals Forum Encourages Resident Feedback

Every four years, the City of Albuquerque hosts a Goals Forum to take input from the community about strategic goals and desired community conditions. This year, the City invites the public to the following opportunities to make their voices heard. Community input collected will be presented to the Mayor and City Council, and will be made available to the public, to help shape Albuquerque’s future.

The first community input meeting takes place this Thursday, September 22 at 6:00 p.m., Central & Unser Library Community Room, 8081 Central NW. There are several other community input meetings scheduled in various locations throughout Albuquerque, giving everyone the opportunity to share their thoughts. To learn more about the Goals Forum, visit: https://www.cabq.gov/dfa/indicators-progress-commission/indicators-progress-commission.

City Hosting Community Engagement Meeting on Energy Efficiency September 28


The City is dedicated to hearing from community members and tailoring sustainability projects to meet the public’s needs and expectations. The first Climate Action Plan Implementation Community Engagement meeting will focus on energy efficiency and include updates on related projects as well as opportunities for the public to provide input. The public will hear from City staff and key partners, including local utilities. The last 20 minutes are reserved for public feedback. The meeting takes place via Zoom on Wednesday, September 28 at 5:00 p.m. To register, visit: https://cabq.zoom.us/j/83896527265?pwd=dzZkeDUra3ZCaVRub2UrUi80K2Vrdz09#success

Westside Boulevard Construction Update September 9th


Westside Blvd. to have various Eastbound and Westbound lane closures and Golf Course Road to have various Northbound and Southbound right lane closures as crews continue to work on final project construction in September
Update as of Friday, Sept. 9, 2022

Crews are scheduled to continue working on lighting, paving, roadway striping, trail gravel, sidewalks and miscellaneous construction on this project, with construction expected to be substantially complete by the end of September.
Ongoing Traffic Impacts
• There are various eastbound and northbound lane closures on Westside Blvd. but at least one (1) lane will be open in each direction at all times.
• There are various right lane closures on northbound and southbound Golf Course Road north and south of Westside Blvd.
Regular work hours are Mon.-Fri., 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m., although the contractor may work longer hours or on weekends if needed. Saturday work is planned for the next few weeksAll construction is weather permitting and subject to change without notice.
CONTACTS for questions and concerns or to sign up for email updates on the project:
Patti Watson, 505-245-3134 office; 505-269-9691 cell; pattiw@cwastrategic.com
Ty Stevers, 505-245-3138 office; 505-417-9989 cell; tys@cwastrategic.com

Bernalillo County Offering Free End-of-Life Informational Seminars

Though not something we enjoy thinking about, everyone should have an end-of-life plan, for themselves and for their loved ones. Bernalillo County is hosting a series of free informational seminars about End of Life Planning. These live interactive sessions cover topics from estate planning to advance health care directives, and much more. For more information and to sign up, visit: https://www.bernco.gov/blog/event/end-of-life-planning/?instance_id=3575

Mayor Keller Hosting Telephone Town Hall This Friday And You’re Invited!

Mayor Tim Keller and City leadership will host a telephone town hall this Friday, August 26, 12:30 – 1:30 pm and everyone is invited to participate. To register and to get the Zoom webinar link, visit: https://www.cabq.gov/mayor/mayor-kellers-telephone-town-halls