With freezing temperatures making an appearance in Albuquerque, it’s time to start shutting down your irrigation systems. A proper shutdown will help to reduce the chance of issues during the winter and ensure the irrigation system is ready to start back up in the spring. And don’t forget, we should shut down our evaporative coolers. Failure to prepare your system for colder weather and snow can result in damage from the freezing temperatures. For details on how to shut down your irrigation system and more winter tips, please visit: www.505Outside.com
The Planning Department is offering a City Leaders learning opportunity for community members interested in historic preservation. Participants will hear from the City’s historic preservation staff about how neighborhoods are protected and preserved, and how community members can help with these efforts in their neighborhoods. We’ll also take time to explore both traditional and new housing opportunities for Albuquerque residents, such as casitas (accessory dwelling units), which are now allowed in all residential areas, as well as new proposals for meeting housing and economic development needs in the City. The Session takes place Saturday, December 2, 10:30 a.m – 1:30 p.m., Special Collections Library, 432 Central Avenue NE. For more information, visit: https://abq-zone.com/events
Beginning on Friday, December 1, the City’s new contractor to oversee the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center will be Safety Kleen, and the new location will be at 2720 Girard NE. The hours of operation will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. To learn more, contact the Solid Waste Management Department at 505-768-2000 or visit: cabq.gov/solidwaste
Planning staff has submitted proposed changes to the City’s zoning code – the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) – for the 2023 IDO Annual Update to the Environmental Planning Commission as the first step in the City’s review and decision process.
This year’s update includes Citywide text amendments that are provided in a spreadsheet of all proposed changes, supporting memos by City Council, and exhibits for changes that are longer or that involve multiple sections.