District 5 Update from Councilor Borrego


City Councilor Cynthia Borrego’s vision for District 5 is demonstrating good progress in crime prevention, infrastructure projects, and economic development and neighborhood level projects.  District 5 remains the District with the lowest numbers across all crime categories.

Roadway projects
Funding for Paseo del Norte design was kept intact during the 2020 State Legislative Special Session.  Councilor Borrego continues to work to ensure Paseo del Norte is a Council priority through her advocacy for the Transportation Infrastructure Tax, (R-47) specifying $12 million for Paseo’s expansion from Kimmick to Calle Nortena.  With this mandate the State Legislature approved $2.1 million in 2018 and $1.9 million in 2019. This funding provides enough money to begin the design and right-of way acquisition.  The City Administration has hired a transportation design engineer for the project.

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Information from Councilor Borrego


Councilor Borrego would like to share the following information:

Firstly, the administration is circulating a survey to gauge the public’s preferences for the proposed APD Community Safety Department.  It can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ABQACS 

From David Chené, Civic Engagement Manager | Mayor’s Office
 We are pleased to announce that we will be extending the One Albuquerque Fund and NM Corporate Volunteer Council school supply drive until Friday, August 14th.   We are half way to meeting our goal of raising $10,000.  You can help us reach our goal by donating today!
 DONATE HERE (https://one-albuquerque-fund.snwbll.com/aps-school-supply-drive)
Thank you for supporting Albuquerque’s youth, teachers and families during this difficult time. 
For more information, contact David Chené, Civic Engagement Manager- dchene@cabq.gov, 505-768-3054.

APD Valley Command’s July newsletter offers information regarding the COVID-19 stimulus payments sent out by the U.S. Treasury earlier this year.  The information is in a concise, and very clear format. 

Thank you for your attention to these matters effecting our great City and District 5.

City Councilor Borrego District 5 Update


City Councilor Cynthia Borrego

Dear District 5 Constituents,
These last two and a half months working to stay ahead of COVID-19 have been and continue to be trying. Our office has worked closely with Mayor Tim Keller and his staff, as well as the Governor’s administration to create a vision for recovery, recognizing that resources are severely taxed. Rest assured we are working together to stay ahead of this emergency.

It is also essential to recognize and celebrate our city’s successes and its brave employees – our First Responders, Transit, Solid Waste, Construction, Parks, essential Office Workers, Maintenance Crews, 911 and 311 operators, and so many others who have stepped up to keep our City running smoothly.  Please thank these folks whenever you have the opportunity!

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