Hello Albuquerque, As the days get longer, our city’s bright future is just in reach. A new area command is open and operating to serve the University area. Construction at the Gateway Center is nearing the finish line. The annual Youth Job & Volunteer Fair saw a record turnout of participants who will undoubtedly make a positive impact in our community. The legislative session is in its final weeks, and we are holding the line in advancing the Metro Crime Initiative and making key investments in public safety. And last but certainly not least, the Albuquerque Community Safety department (ACS) is breaking ground on their new headquarters at San Mateo & Kathryn and will hold a community celebration later this spring. With this progress, we’re looking forward to a new and promising chapter in our community’s health and safety. We all know that homelessness and addiction are intertwined crises across our nation and right here in Albuquerque. ACS’s focus on responding to situations from a behavioral health lens has been key in transforming our public safety response to get people the help that they need. Gateway will serve as a place for hope and healing, a first-of-its-kind facility that specializes in helping those struggling with addiction and homelessness get back on track towards housing and stability. We can’t let members of our community continue to fall behind. Gateway, ACS, and other innovative City programs and partnerships can help our neighbors overcome the challenges they are facing. We are better when working together to secure a brighter future for everyone. Sincerely, Mayor Tim Keller |