Deferred until February 24th
Hello Neighbors –
The HOA was recently informed of a City DRB review of the planned development on the vacant lot to the west of our neighborhood located at the northeast corner of Golf Course and Benton Avenue; the southern half of the vacant lot at the corner of Westside and Golf Course. This is the Wintergreen Apartment proposal. We are passing this information on to you and invite you to provide your input in the review with the City. The HOA is serving as an information conduit only regarding this apartment development project.
The lot being developed has been zoned by the City of Albuquerque in the IDO as M-MX which is mixed-use medium impact development. The developer’s current plans are for higher end apartments with approximately 208 units. The design is for four buildings – each with 4 stories. The supporting documents including (1) Lot location for development and (2) working site layout are provided below.
This meeting is a follow-up to the DRB held in 2020 after a successful appeal. It should be noted that there are issues in the successful appeal that were raised by Seven Bar North residents.
The notice below provides the details. The DRB meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday January 27th at 0900 AM via a Zoom Call. The details to access the meeting are as follows:
Meeting ID: 995 5177 2073
Or join by phone: 1-312-626-6799
Regards –
Seven BAR HOA Executive Committee
Stephen Arguelles – HOA Board
DD Lane – HOA Board
Scott Templeton – HOA Board
John Currier – HOA Landscape
Scott Campin – HOA Compliance
Nena Perkin – HOA Communications