Media Campaign to Deter Illegal Dumping
Bernalillo County – The Illegal Dumping Partnership (IDP) has begun a media campaign to educate the public about the serious problem of illegal dumping throughout the city and the unincorporated areas of the county. The vision of the IDP is to maintain a clean, safe, healthy environment and prosperous community free of liter, engaging and educating the community, changing behaviors, and utilizing resources.
The campaign consists of television and radio ads, plus outdoor digital billboards, to make people aware of how illegal dumping is affecting neighborhoods throughout the county and city. In addition, social media will also be used to engage the community.
The education and outreach campaign is bilingual and drives awareness to www.ihavetrash.com or www.tengobasura.com which have resources available for trash disposal. Many of these services are free and available curbside, yet many residents are unaware of the options.
“Initiatives like this one will make the public even more aware of how prevalent illegal dumping is in our community and how citizens can be part of the solution,” said IDP Chair Lucas Tafoya. “The support and development of this campaign is thanks to funding from BernCo Commissioners, Albuquerque City Councilors, a NM Clean and Beautiful grant, BernCo Planning and Development and BernCo Public Works. This is an important collaboration which aims to promote pride in a clean and healthy community.”
The IDP is a multi-agency task force created to help combat illegal dumping throughout Bernalillo County. The partners include Bernalillo County, City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, New Mexico Environment Department, Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, Albuquerque Police Department, Albuquerque Public Schools, Public Service Company of New Mexico, New Mexico Department of Transportation, Mid-Region Council of Governments, New Mexico United Soccer, and Central New Mexico Community College.
The partners of the IDP clean-up tons of trash and junk from public and open spaces every year. Materials typically include construction and demolition waste, abandoned automobiles, auto parts and scrap tires, appliances, furniture, yard waste and household trash. If illegal dumping is not addressed, these sites can attract more waste and can have a negative impact on the community’s environment and health.