The Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center’s first ‘floor/stage’ of construction is estimated to cost $14.2 Million. There is currently $500,000 from the 2021 NM State Legislature remaining after design (2019 Voter Bond Election at $1.5 million, 2019 State Legislature $600,000) to construct the Center. The total design cost is $2.1 Million and requires 2 years to complete, with another ¾ of a year remaining toward the full design’s finalization. The first floor or ‘stage’ of the Center’s design is currently complete to the point that construction of the first stage can potentially be undertaken with adequate funding.
The 2021 November Bond Election under the title “General Obligation Senior, Family, Community Center, Homeless, and Community Enhancement Bonds” includes $6 Million to construct the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational Center. Should the bond proposal be approved by voters, total secured construction funding will total $6,600,00. Please encourage your state Senator(s) and Representative(s) to fund the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational project at the 2022 NM State Legislative Session.
The Council District 5 office applied to Senator Martin Heinrich and Senator Ben Ray Lujan to consider dedicating $3 million toward the acquisition of an additional piece of property at the Cibola Lp. complex and the installation of hydrology features. Sen. Heinrich and Sen Lujan are championing the federal dedication of funds to the project to ensure the Center’s structure, once constructed, adequately drains to avoid undermining its foundation.
Should the November bond election for Senior, Family, and Community Center’s be approved by voters, the Cibola Lp. Multi-Generational center’s construction funding will be approximately half secured. We look forward to identifying future funding sources through collaborations with our state and federal legislators and you to complete the construction of this wonderful new amenity to District 5.