Nena Perkin, Communication Team Chair
Our new website was launched on May 21st! We hope you are enjoying the new format and updated features. The “Residents Only” option is under development and will be available soon. Please keep an eye on your inbox to receive the announcement and relevant information once this option becomes available.
If you have visited the website, you may have noticed some new features:
- Neighborhood meetings will be featured prominently on the home page.
- The current newsletter and the ACC application are available for downloading from the footer on every page.
- Some posts on the Announcements page allow Comments.
- Search capability if you are interested in retrieving information on a specific topic.
The website is a work in progress and is continually updated. We encourage you to provide feedback and suggestions for additional options. We are always in need of neighborhood pictures that showcase our “highly desirable” community. If you would like to share your photos for display on the website or newsletter, please email to
Please keep your email addresses up to date with Corder and Company. We still have about 170 households that have not yet provided an email address. In order to take full advantage of the new website features, and to receive newsletters and timely communications, your email address must be on file.