A NEW Landscape Maintenance contract was put out for bid in February. Previous contracts had the maintenance being done on a five-week rotation. Five weeks proved to be too long between treatments. Weeds were large and plentiful and shrubs grew out over the sidewalks. The new contract calls for a three-week rotation during the growing season (March through October) and a five-week rotation during the non-growing season (November to February). Based upon this summer’s results, three weeks provides ample time for the crew to address the weeds and shrubs and keep the HOA looking good. With the weeds and shrubs not growing during the winter, the crew should be able to maintain the property on the five-week schedule with less cost to the HOA.
Growing season – March through October: Property will be treated on a three-week cycle.
Week 1 – Both sides of Seven Bar
Week 2 – Both sides of Sierrita
Week 3 – Westside Blvd and all the trails
Non-growing season – November through February: Property will be treated on a five-week cycle as has been done in the past.
Week 1 – West side of Seven Bar
Week 2 – East side of Seven Bar
Week 3 – West side of Sierrita
Week 4 – East Side of Sierrita
Week 5 – Westside Blvd
The Board has approved funding to complete the re-conditioning of the walking trails. Phase 2, Seven Bar to Sierrita, was completed earlier this year. Phase 1, Black Arroyo to Farola, was completed in 2019. A request for proposals will be sent to four potential landscape contractors in early September. Contractors are to submit bids for Phase 3, Farola to Seven Bar, and Phase 4, Sierrita to the end of the trail at state route 528. The lowest responsive bidders will be awarded the contracts. Phase 3 will be done this fall. Phase 4 will be done in early 2021.