Due to excessive heat in Albuquerque, the City’s Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) is making some temporary adjustments for the health and safety of its workers. Starting last Friday, July 21, through Sunday, August 20, the open hours at the Cerro Colorado Landfill as well as residential collection times will be shifting two hours earlier to avoid the higher temperatures of the afternoons.
The Cerro Colorado Landfill is normally open 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. But with this change, that means landfill customers will be able to utilize the facility starting at 5:00 am through 3:00 pm. No customers will be allowed in after 3:00 pm. The hours at the three convenience centers, Eagle Rock, Don Reservoir, and Montessa Park, will not be affected.
As well, collections drivers will also be coming in two hours early to help beat the heat. For residents, this means that their trash, recycling, or large items could be picked up as much as two hours earlier. The department recommends that residents who are typically serviced first thing in the morning on their regular collection day put out their trash, recycling, and large items the night before as the collections trucks could come up to two hours earlier. For more information, visit: cabq.gov/solidwaste