The Albuquerque Community Policing Councils (CPC) are actively recruiting new members and the public is encouraged to participate and apply. The only requirement is to be 16 years of age or older, and concerned about law enforcement in your neighborhood. There are six CPCs citywide, and each one meets once a month. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your concerns and to have input into Albuquerque Police Department (APD) policies or areas that may need improvement. So if you or someone you know has concerns about public safety and would like to be part of the civic process in Albuquerque, the CPCs are for you. The Valley Area Command CPC, the Northwest Area Command CPC and the Southwest Area Command CPC are all actively seeking new members and the time commitment is approximately 10 hours per month. For more information, contact Kelly Mensah, CPC Liaison, at: kmensah@cabq.gov or visit: Community Policing Councils — City of Albuquerque (cabq.gov)