Solid Waste Management, Parks and Recreation, and PNM are teaming up to offer residents a chance to recycle their real Christmas trees. Treecycling starts Tuesday, December 26, 2023, through January 8, 2024. You are encouraged to drop off your real Christmas tree at one of the three designated locations in Albuquerque between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Saturday through Wednesday.
- Eagle Rock Convenience Center at 6301 Eagle Rock NE
- Ladera Golf Course at 3401 Ladera Dr. NW
- Montessa Park Convenience Center at 3512 Los Picaros SE
No artificial trees will be accepted, and only 5 real trees will be allowed per resident. Commercial customers may call 505-761-8300 to schedule a separate drop off. Please remove all bags, tree stands, decorations, and lights from trees before dropping them off to be mulched. PNM Vegetation Management crews and Parks and Recreation staff will grind trees into mulch chips, which can provide a better growing environment for plants and residential landscapes. Residents can pick up the mulch chips free of charge while supplies last. Last year, this program kept more than 3,600 trees out of the landfill. To learn more, visit: https://www.cabq.gov/solidwaste/treecycling