Did you know you can find information about projects or development going on in your neighborhood? The Planning Department offers several online resources for finding this information and anyone can access it. Permits https://posse.cabq.gov/posse/pub/lms/Login.aspx The Planning Department’s Land Management System (LMS) can be used to search various types of permit requests. Specifically, the “Search for Permits by Address” function provides information on the type, status, issuance date and other pertinent details associated with permits for the subject site. An account is not required in order to use the system’s search features. DRB, EPC and ZHE Public Hearings The Development Review Board (DRB), Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) and Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) provide similar but different functions associated with project review. Applications to these hearing bodies includes notification to property owners and neighborhood associations, but a periodic check of the respective websites will also help to track proposals as they work their way through the review process. |