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HOA 2021 Proposed Budget
The voting for the HOA 2021 Budget and Board are complete. Unfortunately we did not meet the minimum votes required for a quorum to validate the vote. Therefore the HOA will approve the budget for 2021 and the retention of Scott Templeton to the Board. The votes that were cast in both options were well over 75% in favor of the named results.
On the positive side we had over 250 Residents view out HOA 2020 Annual Update which is a nice result during our COVID restrictions. Please watch the HOA website in the future as we continue to communicate information through this medium and look for input from our Residents on neighborhood topics.
Please leave your comments below.
I’m curious about the increase in water charges for 2020. How many gallons did we use each year? Is this the first year we irrigated daily because of new plantings? Although I don’t believe there is any way to track what percentage of water usage is for leaks in the system, I wonder what impact identifying and fixing leaks in a timely manner would have on our usage.
The HOA does not directly track the amount of water usage. However we do monitor the cost associated with watering our common areas and trails. This year did see a significant uptick in cost. We attribute it to three factors – two were leaks: one near a transformer on Stowe and another when a felled tree pulled up a sprinkler line, the third item was simply the drought and lack of monsoons this summer. When a leak is identified it is referred to our landscape company , Yellowstone, and they will repair it. Easy problems like missing or malfunctioning emitters are replaced usually by a member of our landscape volunteer teams.