Councilor Borrego is happy to present the Winter District 5 Open House to be shared via YouTube. It is scheduled to occur this Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 6:00p.m. Please see the attached flyer for details on how to tune-in. Please feel free to send comments for consideration at the upcoming District 5 Open House to susanvigil@cabq.gov
Though this year has been different, it is no less busy. We, as a people, are forced to be creative in our outreach, projects, and policies. These are all the more enhanced by your communication with your City government and Councilor. Project and policy updates are described in the attached 2020 Winter Newsletter.
Councilor Borrego welcomes the opportunity to work with District 5’s residents and businesses. District 5 is her home too and she, like you, wants it to shine. She wants it to be a community of people that talk to and rely on each other. In her leadership role, Councilor Borrego is gifted by the opportunity to serve you and grateful for your connections to her and one another.
Merry Holidays*
Susan Vigil, Policy Analyst
Councilor Cynthia D. Borrego, District 5
505-768-3189 (office)