City Councilor Cynthia Borrego’s vision for District 5 is demonstrating good progress in crime prevention, infrastructure projects, and economic development and neighborhood level projects. District 5 remains the District with the lowest numbers across all crime categories.
Roadway projects
Funding for Paseo del Norte design was kept intact during the 2020 State Legislative Special Session. Councilor Borrego continues to work to ensure Paseo del Norte is a Council priority through her advocacy for the Transportation Infrastructure Tax, (R-47) specifying $12 million for Paseo’s expansion from Kimmick to Calle Nortena. With this mandate the State Legislature approved $2.1 million in 2018 and $1.9 million in 2019. This funding provides enough money to begin the design and right-of way acquisition. The City Administration has hired a transportation design engineer for the project.
$300,000 in funding for McMahon Boulevard was also retained in the 2019 State Legislature. These funds are for the design to expand the roadway from Rockcliff Dr. to Anasazi Ridge Ave. /Kayenta St.
Westside Boulevard’s expansion is funded at the federal level and scheduled to begin construction in 2021.
Piedras Marcadas neighborhood park improvements have been completed with $86,000 in State funding advocated for by Councilor Borrego and neighborhood representatives. Please visit the park at Eagle Ranch Rd. and Ranch Central now offering ADA accessible parking.
District 5 bus stops are undergoing improvements—one complete at Homestead and Taylor Ranch Rd. funded by $20,000 in state funding, and another covered bus stop improvement planned at Eagle Ranch and Paseo del Norte at a cost of $150,000 partially funded by State capital outlay, Councilor GO Bonds (District 5 set-aside), and Transit Department funding. Additionally, District-5’s Rapid Ride recently underwent upgrades with a new bus and naming–ArtX.
Median beautification on Homestead and Taylor Ranch Rd. at a cost of $267,000 as funded by District 5 set-aside/GO Bonds and State Capital Outlay, are almost complete.
The District 5 Business Nodes’ Market development project is also moving forward to completion of Unser and McMahon node’s organizational plan. Due to the ample patio space at this location, a few events will occur in person including September 10th’s ‘Coffee with a Cop’ on McMahon and Unser. See Brochure
COVID – 19
Councilor Borrego took on the task of supplying Albuquerque Businesses with the tools and funding to weather COVID-19, successfully applying for Federal CARES Act funding.
“I was proud to have sponsored and gained approval for three resolutions permitting business outdoor expansion (R-57, O-16, O-23). I further advocated for, and found approval for $1 million to fund small businesses’ acquisition of personal protection equipment (F/S R-73 Amendment, Borrego), as well as $500,000 in funding for restaurant and retail outdoor expansion equipment such as tent shades and air-conditioning (R-78)”.
Other projects
Other projects in process include hiring a designer for the Cibola Loop Community Complex Multi-Generational Center, and finalizing RFP applicants for the Cibola Loop Community Complex Housing component.
Paradise Blvd. improvements, swimming pool Improvements were also finalized.
With focused leadership and community collaborations, District 5 will continue to offer exceptional quality of life and opportunities to its residents and businesses.