Nena Perkin, Communication Team Chair
I expect everyone is getting out more now that quarantine restrictions are lifting slowly and safely. I would like to share some socially distanced events our neighborhood, Seven Bar North Estates, participated in over the last three months.
On Easter Sunday afternoon, we invited everyone to station themselves at the end of their driveway to offer a greeting to their neighbors up and down the street, while enjoying their beverage and treat of choice.

Most enjoyably, our neighborhood participated in a socially distanced pet parade on Cinco de Mayo. It was great fun to see our pet owners parade through the neighborhood with their costumed best friend(s). Several prizes were granted in a number of different categories!
In April, we gathered food donations in response to the To’Hajilee Navajo Chapter Reservation food drive.

DD Lane, Board Secretary and Compliance Team Chair

June 5th is not only the first day of summer but is also our next full moon, known as Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon, or Rose Moon. Weddings that occurred in June during pagan times were celebrated by drinking a honey liquor (was this mead?), creating the term honeymoon we use today. Did you know near the summer solstice comes the earliest sunrise and latest sunset causing the shortest nights? This year’s solstice is June 21st.
Speaking of the moon and longer days our semi-cul-de-sac neighbors in Estrella del Norte have had a lot of fun getting together watching the space station passing’s in the recent weeks. This is easy to do while maintaining our social distancing.
The following site provides a viewing schedule by our city providing dates and times, https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/sightings/index.cfm. Another fun site to keep an eye on is https://www.spacex.com/